Classic! #GlobalFaction presents… Logic & RU1 Fam ft Amy True — One


One is a heavy, heavy track, that much is un-doubt­able. With Amy’s elev­ated har­mon­ies and lyr­i­cism and RU1 and Logic’s mes­sages this proved to be a standout track from GlobalFaction’s 2014 cata­logue, and per­haps the entire Glob­al­Fac­tion collection!

The pro­duc­tion is an instant clas­sic, by thirty seconds in the sax­o­phone has crept up on the gui­tar and soft boom bap drum. Beat-wise the track wouldn’t be what it is without it, it is suited to the artists in a way that is more than coin­cid­ence, but that is because it isn’t!

Last Resort is the mas­ter­mind behind the pro­duc­tion, as a mem­ber of the Over­stand Fam­ily, which includes Logic, RU1 and Amy, it is no sur­prise that the beat flows with the artists so well, Last Resort and Logic have even com­pleted two albums together.

If you’ve been to Brix­ton, then I hope you’ve been to No.6 Somer­leyton Rd, this com­munity centre is the heart of this part of Brix­ton, although it has had its ups and downs it remains pivotal to the area, which is fast chan­ging. It is here at No.6 that Glob­al­Fac­tion laid down the visu­al finesse!

The street gym attached to the centre is where Logic, RU1 and Amy are lay­ing down the track, the cut­aways of train­ing com­fort­ably sit with the tracks theme of build­ing ourselves up to chal­lenge Babylon, and the estate oppos­ite provides a fit­ting back­drop as the crew roll through drop­ping gems. Glob­al catches every moment we need to see and weaves it togeth­er with the beat into a magic­al fab­ric which accom­pan­ies the beat like bread to butter.

Finally, lyr­ics, lyr­ics, lyr­ics… Logic jumps right in and RU1 add the strokes which cre­ate this mas­ter­piece but I wanna start with Amy Trues son­ic geni­us. Amy has that twang remin­is­cent of Lauryn in early times or Erykah on tip top form, but bet­ter than any­thing she’s entirely Amy True, authen­t­ic and soaked with ori­gin­al­ity, the hook could not have been done by any­one than her, it’s her pas­sion that com­pletes this track in this authors opinion.

“some of us are born blind, not every­one sees, the vis­ion we envi­sion for these lost streets”

Majikal is play­er of the match,  he rides the beat so wavy, the pauses, the pace and the lyr­ics just sit too com­fort­ably on the beat and the lyr­i­cism is on top form, all rap­pers are on top form, but since this review will dip into only one, it’s gotta be Majikal!

What are your thoughts on the track and video? This was one of those moments where legends col­lided, right, could it pos­sibly have been any better?

Let me know what you think by join­ing the dis­cus­sion here

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Joshua Virasami

Joshua Vir­asami, of Mauri­tian her­it­age, was born in 1990, South West Lon­don, UK. After fin­ish­ing state col­lege he dropped out of Uni­ver­sity. Since then has spent his time trav­el­ling, writ­ing, mak­ing music, pho­to­graph­ing and par­ti­cip­at­ing in/organising civil disobedience.

About Joshua Virasami

Joshua Virasami, of Mauritian heritage, was born in 1990, South West London, UK. After finishing state college he dropped out of University. Since then has spent his time travelling, writing, making music, photographing and participating in/organising civil disobedience.

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