Knowledge Session: Who Was Manco Inca?
MAY 6, 1536: START OF NATION­AL LIB­ER­A­TION WAR LEADED BY MANCO INCA Manco Inca Yupan­qui (1516–1544)...
Knowledge Session: Who Was Comandanta Ramona?
  Comand­anta Ramona was an influ­en­tial mem­ber of the Zapatista Army or Ejér­cito Zapatista de...
Talking About PTSD, Awareness and Ferguson with...
I Am Hip-Hop Magazine in col­lab­or­a­tion with Glob­al­Fac­tion, caught up with Phar­oahe Monch to chop it
Fresh! #GlobalFaction presents… Big Frizzle —...
Totally did not expect that trappy beat to hit my speak­ers, on GlobalFaction’s chan­nel that is
Classic! #GlobalFaction presents… Logic &...
One is a heavy, heavy track, that much is un-doubt­able. With Amy’s elev­ated har­mon­ies and lyr­i­cism
Fresh! #GlobalFaction presents… Space Boy Troy...
Eth­er­e­al chords creep in, the touch­down is simple, unpre­sum­ing, “yeah I wanna spread peace, love and
Poetry Inspiration: The Tradition By Assata
THE TRA­DI­TION Carry it on now. Carry it on. Carry it on now. Carry it on.
Interview With AWKWORD (@AWKWORDrap) !
Q. What came first act­iv­ism or rap? How import­ant is it for you to voice world
Interview on Viva Venezuela!
This is our inter­view on the doc­u­ment­ary Viva Venezuela with Eth­e­sham who is part of RCG/FRFI.
Review: Voices of Resistance — The Mixtape Vol...
From lively spoken word about women lib­er­a­tion to sooth­ing reg­gae music about racism, Voices of...
Book Review: Pan-Africanism and Communism
Pan-Afric­an­ism and Com­mun­ism: The Com­mun­ist Inter­na­tion­al, Africa and the Dia­spora, 1919–1939...
Must Watch: Documentary Viva Venezuela —...
On  5  March 2013,  Hugo Chavez the pres­id­ent of Venezuela, and lead­er of the Bolivari­an...