Fresh! #GlobalFaction presents… Space Boy Troy — The Choice


Eth­er­e­al chords creep in, the touch­down is simple, unpre­sum­ing, “yeah I wanna spread peace, love and hap­pi­ness”. It’s a strange com­par­is­on, but I get that same hope­ful feel­ing of prom­ise when watch­ing the vis­ion­ary cinema of Stu­dio Ghib­li from Space Boy’s pro­duc­tion and lyr­i­cism, trust me, that’s a huge com­pli­ment. The hook comes in, and I feel like we might just be on our way to the Prom­ised Land.

“Yo it’s more than the fear of god, we’re here because he wills, so adhere to god.”

Space Boy Troy sees him­self as a free spir­it on a mis­sion to deliv­er the good news of how soci­ety is torn but that we “don’t have to let ignor­ance divide us”, Many artists seem to be com­pelled to draw atten­tion to the defi­cit of clar­ity in today’s times, Space Boy is join­ing these fast grow­ing ranks.

The video fol­lows Troy and his fam as they travel through Lon­don City, Troy takes time to walk with us through alleys, deliv­er­ing his mes­sage, straight to the lens, the real ‘ish. Glob­al­Fac­tion takes us through mar­kets and museums show­ing us that life is busy, is bust­ling, and that if “we clear above the fear we can hear the buzz”.

This track explores ‘The Choice’, the choice to live in fear or to live in love. Is it as simple as a choice for all of us? Could we simply just choose to live in love or fear, or is it more com­plex? Some would say that it var­ies from per­son to per­son, this author thinks that choice, as a stan­dalone does not exist, and fits into a vari­ety of factors, for example the choice is easi­er if you have less social pressures!

What do you think? Get involved and join the dis­cus­sion here!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Joshua Virasami

Joshua Vir­asami, of Mauri­tian her­it­age, was born in 1990, South West Lon­don, UK. After fin­ish­ing state col­lege he dropped out of Uni­ver­sity. Since then has spent his time trav­el­ling, writ­ing, mak­ing music, pho­to­graph­ing and par­ti­cip­at­ing in/organising civil disobedience.

About Joshua Virasami

Joshua Virasami, of Mauritian heritage, was born in 1990, South West London, UK. After finishing state college he dropped out of University. Since then has spent his time travelling, writing, making music, photographing and participating in/organising civil disobedience.

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