Guest: @YAGUAR_aka_JHT — I Am Hip-Hop Radio
I Am Hip-Hop radio show amp­li­fy­ing your world, sound and knowledge. Listen live every Thursday...
Yaguar Aka JHT Returns Decolonizing Hip-Hop...
”Decol­on­iz­a­tion is the pro­cess to unlearn in order to RE-learn, and under­stand LIFE as a last
Interview: Glasgow MC Loki (@lokiscottishrapper)
Loki, One of the most well known Emcees from Scot­land, a Glaswe­gi­an act­iv­ist who raps in his
Guest: @EYESISTARUK & @IdealArtist...
I & Ideal and Eye­s­is Star join us in the stu­dio for a flaw­less live cypher
Interview-Pioneer of The Month: Life MC (@lifemc)
Life MC does­n’t need an intro­duc­tion for those who know about the UK’ s finest hip
@PharoaheMonch Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:...
Phar­oahe Monch released his fourth album—Post Trau­mat­ic Stress Dis­order (PTSD). In the album, Monch...
Free Album Download: Guerrilla Republik presents:...
Guer­rilla Repub­lik D.C presents : “World­wide War­ri­ors” A must have com­pil­a­tion of world­wide...
Zapatistas Live by Olmeca (@Olmecaone)
“Zapatis­tas Live” is a song writ­ten by Olmeca a Hip-Hop artist based in USA. The pro­duc­tions
Crazy Haze THC (The Hardship Continues) EP Review
Crazy Haze THC (The Hard­ship Con­tin­ues) EP Review The title of the open­ing track “Be Dif­fer­ent”
New Album: ‘Fools Gold’ by Quadir Lateef...
Quadir Lateef, a USA based act­iv­ist and one of the dopest lyr­i­cists of 2013, launched his latest
New Video: From The Lost Tapes Compilation By The...
[youtube][/youtube] Straight from The Bronx, the home of hip-hop, comes the trio, The Legion...
Video: “Willie Lynch” — Paul “PR”...