Interview With AWKWORD (@AWKWORDrap) !
Q. What came first act­iv­ism or rap? How import­ant is it for you to voice world
New Mixtape: Street Games Vol.1(@hiphopchess)...
Hip Hop Chess Fed­er­a­tion presents:  Street Games Vol. 1 Mix­tape high­light­ing the con­nec­tions...
Grime War…Beef In The UK Rap Scene And Beyond...
[youtube][/youtube] Beef In The UK Rap Scene At the begin­ning of 2015...
Spoken Word + Lyrics: ‘EDUCATION’ By...
‘Edu­ca­tion’ by Rohun Batra (Pro­duced by ShoXstar)...
Review: Voices of Resistance — The Mixtape Vol...
From lively spoken word about women lib­er­a­tion to sooth­ing reg­gae music about racism, Voices of...
Introducing Adam KG! (@adamkhangill)
I Am Hip Hop’s Lana Bell(9_lanabell) caught up with sev­en­teen year old spoken word per­former and
Weekly Wind-Up News with @ITCHFM
[youtube][/youtube] Weekly Wind-Up weekly news show is here! And in this weeks show Shante...
Stereo Boyz (@TheStereoBoyz) ‘Carz, Clubz...
After three years as the Ste­reo Boyz and count­less mix­tapes, EPs and songs, Mixo and Mic
Talkin’ Hip Hop With IKES (@ikesonthereal) !
Q. What made you want to pick up a pen and paper and start writ­ing lyr­ics,
Review: shortMAN (@shortman_spoken) ‘Jokesville...
All too often hip-hop is con­sidered a solely Amer­ic­an sport, an under­stand­able con­sid­er­a­tion giv­en...
Video: Big Cakes (@bigCAKES) ‘Black Jesus’
Taken from his album ‘Its All Luv’ Check out Big Cakes video ’ Black Jesus’ !...
Get To Know Grieves! (@Grievesmusic)
We are very excited to intro­duce to you the Seattle-based rap­per, Grieves, who emerged in 2007