Interview: Timing Is Everything With Kid...

Kid Vishis is the young­er broth­er of Slaughter­house vet­er­an Royce da 5 9, he began rhym­ing “down­stairs in the fam­ily free­style base­ment ses­sions” while still… Read more

Debate: Hip Hop On Trial

“If the soci­ety that we’re talk­ing about is a soci­ety that starts wars all over the world, degrades indi­gen­ous cul­tures, is miso­gyn­ist­ic in itself, if… Read more

Black Skin White Masks

Black Skin, White Masks was the first book to invest­ig­ate the psy­cho­logy of colo­ni­al­ism. It exam­ines how colo­ni­al­ism is intern­al­ized by the col­on­ized, how an inferi­or­ity com­plex… Read more

Video: Inner War by Mikee Majestic ( @mi...

Mikee Majest­ic has made his mark as a con­scious lyr­i­cist,  pos­it­ive role mod­el, motiv­a­tion­al speak­er, teach­er and social entre­pren­eur. With his music and talks he has… Read more

Exclusive Interview With Olmeca (@Olmeca...

I am Hip Hop magazine caught up with L.A’s Hip hop MC/Producer and act­iv­ist Olmeca whilst he was vis­it­ing  Lon­don. Check out what he has to say!… Read more

MUST WATCH! Police Try To Stop and Searc...

Police try to stop and search Raspect Fyabinghi and the loc­al youth, and are left empty handed, no details, no searches, click the video to… Read more

Knowledge Session: Who Was Nanny Of The ...

Queen Moth­er Nanny, the great 18th cen­tury lead­er of the Wind­ward or East­ern Jamaic­an Maroons. She is fam­ous for her hero­ic struggle against the Brit­ish… Read more

Review: Speech Debelle (@speechdebelle) ...

Thursday 26th June saw the ‘pre-launch’ show­case of excit­ing new com­pany Booka­Beat.  Foun­ded by styl­ish sis­ters Make­da and Naomi Peter, Booka­Beat launches offi­cially in Septem­ber… Read more

Figurative, Abstract and Mystical — Th...

Lee’s bizarre char­ac­ters emerge to us, speak­ing of  the uncon­scious vis­ions that are some­what in between the fig­ur­at­ive and the abstract, the earthly and the… Read more

New Album: ‘Fools Gold’ by Quadir La...

Quadir Lateef, a USA based act­iv­ist and one of the dopest lyr­i­cists of 2013, launched his latest must have album ‘Fools Gold’. Quadir Lateef presents us… Read more

Video: @IbrahimSincere- ‘By Any Means ...

‘Black His­tory Month’; This lit­er­ary piece is an attempt to address and ana­lyse some of the mod­ern and his­tor­ic implications\culture of racism and white suprem­acy,… Read more

Review: Othello The Remix @Unicorn_Theat...

The Q broth­ers’ adap­tion of Oth­ello breathes some fresh air into the tragedy, bril­liantly trans­lat­ing Wil­li­am Shakespeare’s script into a witty, mod­ern con­text. In reshap­ing… Read more