The Keffiyeh — Symbol of Resistence or Fashion Statement


The Kef­fi­yeh was pop­ular­ised by former Palestini­an lead­er Yass­er Ara­fat and has since been regarded as a sym­bol of Palestini­an res­ist­ance against oppress­ive forces. How­ever, we now often see it worn by people in the West as a fash­ion­able item of cloth­ing without hav­ing any know­ledge or appre­ci­ation of the struggle and con­flict that it rep­res­ents. It has even been demon­ised by main­stream news media as being asso­ci­ated with terrorism.

This stu­dent doc­u­ment­ary ques­tions wheth­er it is appro­pri­ate for such a strong sym­bol­ic item of cloth­ing should be worn in such a way…


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Azad Kamall

About Azad Kamall

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