Interview with Dub Fx!
This is our written interview with worldwide street performer & studio recording artists Dub Fx
Q. In your song ‘Intentions’ you rap -
‘They want to dumb us down just because they’re scared of us
They know that if we band together we can rise above’
Please explain what inspired those lyrics?
That whole verse is a commentary on how I I feel we are being blinded and manipulated by our so called leaders into living material, shallow ignorant lives… We would rather watch TV then philosophize, we take better care of our cars and possessions then our own bodies. We are all to blame for the mess we live in. We are kept in a fantasy world that tells us it’s more important to consume then to produce, if you really think about it it doesn’t make sense.. It means we end up stripping the very resources we depend on for a shallow existence that will destroy the planet.. Why? To keep our minds off the bigger picture and our instinct.. What is the bigger picture? Control over the majority.. A MAJORITY Who left to their own devices would naturally work with the planet instead of against it because that’s what our instinct tells us to do..
Q. What makes you want to express yourself consciously?
I don’t know, it’s the only way I know how to be or write music…
Q. Your music is empowering , do you see music as a political tool?
I see music as expression.. Politics to me is just giant puppet show.. I don’t by into that over manipulated, over intelectualised crap.. None of it makes sense to me.. The fact is, if I had grown up in a rich and powerful family I too would be capable of ruthless selfish acts to forward my greed.. We all have that ability to be evil and justify it… We all do it on small levels every day.. So I use music to paint a picture of how I see the world.. If that inspires you then my work wasn’t useless.. If you like the song but not the lyrics I’m equally satisfied because harmony and rhythm means more to me then subjective opinion…
Q. I’ve met people who completely ignore hip hop music because the hip hop that comes on the radio, is often misogynistic and ego tripping.. why is it important to not dismiss hip hop music completely?
Personally I don’t listen to lyrics ever.. I listen to the performance.. If I really like the performance then maybe I listen to what they are saying.. But sometimes I hear a hip hop tune that is so bad it offends me.. Not only hip hop, their are plenty of genres out there that are being poluted by mediocre hacks who are jumping on a bandwagon.. But to answer your question there is no such thing as bad genres just but interpretation of that genre… Hip hop is definitely saturated with ego and misogyny.. But that doesn’t mean you can’t listen to tribe called quest, J5 or the roots..
Q. What advice would you give to people who want to freestyle rap more comfortably and confidently?
Go and street perform.. Make mistakes, get booed off stage.. Find your strengths and your weaknesses
Q. One of your lyrics is : ‘See if I sign to a label, I’ll be stuck in a cage’, please could you explain what you mean?
Actually I say “if I had signed to a label Ide be stuck in a cage and you would probably have never heard of me” . I’m referring to the thousands of artists who get locked into deals that get shelved and lost in the black whole of greedy AnR reps.. I know so many talents who sit around waiting for the labels to give them a green light when they could be out there smashing like I have done for the last 7 years!
Q. What have you been up to lately with your projects/creations and your album ‘Theory of Harmony’?
I have literally just been in the studio making the album.. I pretty much do everything my self from writing to recording and producing each tune.. It takes me a long time because I lose sight of what’s a good performance or not.. I go from using one side of the brain to using the other in a matter of seconds and switching back again.. Being creative and technical at the same time is super hard when you are your own boss…
Q. What advice would you give to people who want to start performing on streets, but have doubts about their music and style being accepted?
Don’t be.. There will always be haters, but here is the good news, their will be more lovers. It’s just the artists nature to only focus on what the negative peeps are saying. While that is important for development and grounding you should always focus on the positive to keep you going.. Just follow your heart and be as flexible as possible!
Lana Bell
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