Documentary About Cannabis in the UK





“When We Grow…This Is What We Can Do” is an edu­ca­tion­al doc­u­ment­ary con­cern­ing the facts about can­nabis. Fol­low two young film­makers on a shoe string budget, as they try to unravel what pro­hib­i­tion of can­nabis really means, who it affects, who profits from it and why it was pro­hib­ited in the first place.
Fea­tur­ing inter­views with; a can­nabis act­iv­ist, a hydro­ponic grow shop own­er, a can­nabis deal­er, a pro­fess­or of neuro­psy­cho­phar­ma­co­logy, who just so hap­pens to be a former gov­ern­ment drugs policy advisor and a med­ic­al marijuana user who would rather die than live without it.

A film by Seth Fine­gold and presen­ted by Luke Bailey.

Fea­tur­ing Inter­views with:
Pro­fess­or Dav­id Nutt (Head of the Inde­pend­ent Sci­entif­ic Com­mit­tee on Drugs)
Mr Peter Reyn­olds (Head of CLEAR UK, formerly the Leg­al­ize Can­nabis Alliance)
Ms Sarah Mar­tin (Medi­cin­al can­nabis patient)


Find out more at:

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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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