Many of Australia’s tour­ists and recent migrants from Europe will tell you excitedly about how grate­ful
Mental Health Awareness: A Message to the...
The more we learn about racism, colo­ni­al­ism and poverty, the more we are prone to see
Review | Nordoff Robins (@NordoffRobbins1 )...
Last week a music event was hos­ted by the Music Ther­apy Char­ity, Nor­doff Robins. It was
Mndsgn (pro­nounced: Mind Design) is a rel­at­ively new Hip-Hop pro­du­cer who cre­ates dreamy tracks that...
Review: BlackMale Beats ‘UK Hip Hop Producers...
I am warmly wel­comed as soon as I enter this invite-only Hip- Hop event. The first
The World Without its Makeup, My Trip To Jamaica
Before going to Jamaica, my aim was to sus­pend any pre­vi­ous beliefs that I had about
Interview: I Am Hip Hop Meet Producer...
Frank “Frank G” Guas­tella has been a con­sist­ent force on the cre­at­ive scene for many years.
Detroit Techno: a look back on Omar‑S
Few people know that house music was cre­ated in Chica­go as a rein­ven­tion of disco. Even
Review: Black Motion (@black_motion) and South...
Whilst the drum pat­terns found in West­ern House music have become repet­it­ive over the years, those
Review: Wilson Miles (@wilsonmilesmuzk) ‘Where...
Wilson Miles’ EP, ‘Where There’s Smoke’, is a con­tinu­ous 20 minute exper­i­ment­al piece that presents...
Review: UK Rapper Mist (@tweet_mist) Live at Koko...
A year has passed since I first heard Birm­ing­ham artist ‘Mist’. I was in a quiet