@ArtUnderTheHood Interview Series: 5 Minutes with...
Q. Can you describe what your inter­pret­a­tion of Art is? I sup­pose my inter­pret­a­tion of Art is
Spoken Word About Fracking: Fractivist by...
[youtube]http://youtu.be/ypaK9vvnyIU[/youtube] Fractivist Their frack­ing, for oil and gasses Attack­ing, the soils...
Interview With @Gambit_Ace
Q. How did you get star­ted in music? I first star­ted to make music at the age
Yaguar Aka JHT Returns Decolonizing Hip-Hop...
”Decol­on­iz­a­tion is the pro­cess to unlearn in order to RE-learn, and under­stand LIFE as a last
Album: Overseas by Darez & Chance
French emcee and act­iv­ist Darez met up with Chance on NYC side­walks in Janu­ary 2011. Shar­ing
Interview: Glasgow MC Loki (@lokiscottishrapper)
Loki, One of the most well known Emcees from Scot­land, a Glaswe­gi­an act­iv­ist who raps in his
Poetry: Your Precious Time by @NarkiP
(Your) Pre­cious Time Urgency is a friend of Time For He makes sure to chase every part. Pleas­ure...
Guest: @EYESISTARUK & @IdealArtist...
I & Ideal and Eye­s­is Star join us in the stu­dio for a flaw­less live cypher
Album: Radical Dilemma By @RebelDiaz
To Down­load the full album click here.   
Interview-Pioneer of The Month: Life MC (@lifemc)
Life MC does­n’t need an intro­duc­tion for those who know about the UK’ s finest hip
Boscombe Revolution Issue 1 — New Poetry...
Inter­view with Paul Hawkins and Simon McCor­mak about Boscombe Revolution http://tableglockpress.wordpress.com/ Q....
New Video+Lyrics:Obtain Bearing by @ApexZero00
Lon­don emcee & pro­du­cer Apex Zero has just released his new video today for “Obtain Bear­ing”,