Boscombe Revolution Issue 1 — New Poetry Pamphlet on Place (@BoscombeR)

Inter­view with Paul Hawkins and Simon McCor­mak about Boscombe Revolution

Q. What is Boscombe Revolu­tion all about? And how did it come about?

Si: We’re going to find more out as we go along, but BRev is in part about Boscombe using its voice & hear­ing oth­er voices. We depend on dia­logue for defin­i­tion, even if it’s just the voice in my head, what is said and what is heard, call and response; poetry is a pro­cess of defin­i­tion and trans­form­a­tion. We wanted to start a con­ver­sa­tion, and Boscombe Revolu­tion is an exten­sion of that.

Paul: We had an idea that came about from a com­pletely dif­fer­ent pro­ject that may or may not see the light of day; a spoof event and set of char­ac­ters who are based in Boscombe, a sub­urb of Bournemouth (the south coasts premi­er ven­ue for Stag and Hen nights) cre­ated entirely using social media, and being acted/played out on social media. One of the hasht­ags we thought of using was #BoscombeRevolu­tion; it grew and moved very rap­idly from there to plan­ning Issue 1.

Si: We also wanted to find out if we could turn an idea into an object. We found min­im­um fund­ing to cov­er a print run. We sent a call for sub­mis­sions via social media, gen­er­at­ing a massive response. We spent a long-time turn­ing 300 plus sub­mis­sions into 22 accep­ted poems. Then there were con­sid­er­a­tions of lay­out, size, paper qual­ity and weight, art­work, font type, bind­ing etc. I’m really happy with the fin­ished book, both in con­tent and presentation.

Paul: It has been a great exper­i­ence, and the suc­cess of Issue 1 and the Launch night has enabled us to see Boscombe Revolu­tion Issue 2 on the hori­zon of 2014.

Q. You got a full audi­ence for the launch night, what did you want to achieve by organ­ising these types of poetry slams?

Si: I wanted to cel­eb­rate the book, and sell enough of them to pro­duce anoth­er! What I liked about the night was the con­flu­ence of people and poetries–experimental film-poem from Greek poet watched by Lon­don per­form­ance poet;  Boscombe based Brazil­lian pho­to­graph­er talk­ing Por­tugese with a poet from Cov­entry; page and per­form­ance poetry spark­ing off each oth­er. I like the energy and fric­tion of live poetry, be that read­ing or per­form­ing, and I like the talk after­wards: new ideas, new com­bin­a­tions, new friends.

Paul: Like Si says, we wanted to cel­eb­rate pub­lish­ing these great poets, and spread the word about Issue 1, and Table­G­lock Press. Yeah, and also exper­i­ence the meet­ing of com­plete strangers; a ral­ly­ing point for a few hours of people who have mostly nev­er met before and who can per­form their work and find com­mon or uncom­mon ground in an inter­pret­a­tion of the vec­tors of place and revolution.

Q. What does poetry per­form­ance mean to you?
Si: See above.

Paul: An engine of expres­sion, of expan­sion made from the blunt edges and silky sub­tleties of lan­guage; voice, pos­ture, tone, the selec­tion of words (and of non-words — phys­ic­al­ity, move­ment and the use of silence) and the choice of how one orders them into a coher­ence of solid­ar­ity or oppos­i­tion, or maybe both…

Q. Do you think it is import­ant for artists to express them­selves con­sciously where they draw on their realities?

Si: Man! Big ques­tion. It depends what your goals are. It was import­ant to launch BRev in Boscombe because our goal was to start a con­ver­sa­tion there. I think prac­ti­cing art, the pro­cess from idea to real­isa­tion, can be a way of becom­ing more con­scious of your real­ity. Real­ity is argu­ably a coded exper­i­ence; it can be re-coded to per­form, or be exper­i­enced, in dif­fer­ent ways. Place is an import­ant con­sid­er­a­tion in that process.

Paul: Using words is a way of mak­ing sense of the world we live in, an expres­sion of what it means; of exper­i­ences with the anim­ate and inan­im­ate, of protest and cel­eb­ra­tion; an announce­ment of frus­tra­tion, joy and cel­eb­ra­tion. I guess it’s simply anoth­er form of com­mu­nic­a­tion, like art or speech or body lan­guage, a par­tic­u­lar pos­ture, a code, as Si says, of real­ity. We must use our expression-engines.

Q. What can we expect of Boscombe Revolu­tion in the future, along with… any oth­er projects/creations?

We’re dis­cuss­ing ideas and new projects–certainly anoth­er pub­lic­a­tion next year.

Q. What are your thoughts on the Poetry and Spoken word scene in Boscombe?

Si: There are some stun­ning poets and Spoken-word artists walk­ing the streets of Boscombe.

Paul: I couldn’t agree more…

Q. How can we buy issue 1, the poetry pamph­let of Boscombe Revolution?

Online at and at The Com­munity Shop in The Sov­er­eign Centre, Boscombe.

Boscombe Revolu­tion

Boscombe Revolu­tion Issue 1 ISSN 2054–2828 is an antho­logy of twenty one poems respond­ing to the pro­voca­tions of ‘place’ and ‘revolu­tion’, fea­tures a stel­lar bunch of poets; Matt Haw, Mike Castro, Craig Dob­son, Maur­een Jivani, klips­chutz, Ellie Walsh, Ross Taylor, Gra­ham Allin­son, Jack­ie Wills, Car­rie Etter, Mar­tin Malone, Sarah Crewe, Tim Suer­mondt, Lana Bell, Soph­ie May­er, Cat­fish McDar­is, Fran­cis K. John­son, Julia Boore, Tim Cum­ming, Iord­anis Papado­poulos and Mark Burnhope.

It is an A6, per­fect bound, lim­ited edi­tion pamph­let prin­ted on a Riso­graph sten­cil duplic­at­or, using soy based solvent free ink on 100% recycled paper from sus­tain­able sources.

Issue 1 comes in 3 lim­ited edi­tions of 50 cop­ies each in the fol­low­ing col­oured cov­ers; Man­dar­in, Stone and Vermillion.

Big thanks to Mark Lloyd for allow­ing Table­G­lock Press to use ‘three fear registers of arti­fi­cial real­ity’ as the front cov­er artwork.

Type­set­ting and prep by John Hawkins.
Prin­ted by Pic­to­gram Studio.

Pub­lished by Table­G­lock Press and edited by Simon McCor­mack and Paul Hawkins.

Issue 1 is avail­able to pur­chase at a sug­ges­ted dona­tion of £4.00 + p&p to any­where in the world and from some selec­ted out­lets in Bournemouth and London.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Lana Bell

Author / Poetry Edit­or at I Am Hip-Hop 
Lana Bell, is an eight­een year old Lon­don­er who is based in Bris­tol. She is an emer­ging Spoken Word Artist, and the Poetry Edit­or for I Am Hip-Hop Magazine. She has been writ­ing for a dec­ade; though she has only been per­form­ing on from the age of fif­teen. She got into Hip-Hop music at four­teen, and she found a massive interest in Old Skl Sounds and the out­let that Hip-Hop music offered her.

About Lana Bell

Lana Bell, is an eighteen year old Londoner who is based in Bristol. She is an emerging Spoken Word Artist, and the Poetry Editor for I Am Hip-Hop Magazine. She has been writing for a decade; though she has only been performing on from the age of fifteen. She got into Hip-Hop music at fourteen, and she found a massive interest in Old Skl Sounds and the outlet that Hip-Hop music offered her.

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