@PharoaheMonch Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:...
Phar­oahe Monch released his fourth album—Post Trau­mat­ic Stress Dis­order (PTSD). In the album, Monch...
Guest: Verbal Skillz (@verbal_emcee)...
IAHH Radio returns for anoth­er BIG show as we kick off our brand new seg­ments —
Exclusive Interview With Brother Ali
  Socially aware hip hop heavy­weight Broth­er Ali was in Lon­don 22nd Novem­ber as part of
Corey McKay, bet­ter known by his stage name Cor­mega, is a rap­per best known for his
@RiverhorseUK Present: ‘Hustlers Convention’...
The Grand­fath­er of Rap Returns In 1973, a fast-talk­ing hust­ler by the name of Sport played
Liberation for All Peoples Against Imperialism!...
Just as there is not a single thing in the world without a dual nature (this
Video+Lyrics: Bully Me No More By @MarcelCartier
[youtube]http://youtu.be/_LLykGBtMaY[/youtube] New Mar­cel Carti­er song taken from the upcom­ing...
New Album: ‘Fools Gold’ by Quadir Lateef...
Quadir Lateef, a USA based act­iv­ist and one of the dopest lyr­i­cists of 2013, launched his latest
Graffiti History: 5 Pointz
Since the dawn of time, undoubtedly, people have imprin­ted their names on the walls of caves,
Exclusive Interview With Stic of Dead Prez
Q. Thank you for the chance to inter­view you. What where the main factors that lead
MUST WATCH: The Modern Racist Paradigm
This is a well researched doc­u­ment­ary that exposes the White Media’s long-term agenda to...
New Video: From The Lost Tapes Compilation By The...
[youtube]http://youtu.be/XAZtlkpE-1I[/youtube] Straight from The Bronx, the home of hip-hop, comes the trio, The Legion...