Kickin’ It With TY (@tymusic) !
Q. What made you get into Hip Hop? I think i stumbled into hip hop before I
Review: Akala “The Thieves Banquet”
Akala has just released his fourth album entitled The Thieves Ban­quet. Akala’s choice to recor­ded the
Review: A Reckoning — De La Soul @...
Pho­to­graph­er: Aimee Valinski Much like an adolescent’s quiet accept­ance of cor­rec­tion admin­istered by a...
Close to a year after the release of his “Attack The Block” mix­tape, Talib Kweli deliv­ers
Knowledge Session: Democracy is Hypocrisy By...
[youtube][/youtube] Demo­cracy is Hypocrisy Mal­colm X You don’t scare Negroes...
Knowledge Session: History of Prison Camps &...
From the very early times, war­ring coun­tries have had pris­on­ers of war. From the early B.C.
Video: Angela Davis on Assata Shakur
One day after the exiled former Black Pan­ther Assata Shak­ur became the first woman named to
Remixes: By Esh from @IBMCs
IBMCs have been research­ing, archiv­ing, pro­mot­ing and pro­du­cing inter­na­tion­al Hip Hop since 1998...
Arab Hip Hop: Re-Volt Magazine (@BIG_HASS)
Re-Volt Magazine is a monthly source of real Hip-Hop & Arab Culture. Check it out!
Who Was Stephen Lawrence?
  Steph­en Lawrence was born on 13th Septem­ber 1974 in South East Lon­don. His par­ents...
Get To Know Terror Bliss (@TerrorBliss) From The...
Q. When did you encounter your first exper­i­ence of Hip Hop? What was it that made
Knowledge Session: Who Is Leonard Peltier?
Leonard Pel­ti­er, a cit­izen of the Anish­in­abe and Lakota Nations, is a fath­er, a grand­fath­er, an