Knowledge Session: Democracy is Hypocrisy By Malcolm X


Demo­cracy is Hypocrisy
Mal­colm X

You don’t scare Negroes today with no badge or no white skin or no white sheet or no white any­thing else. The police the same way; they put their club upside your head and turn around and accuse you of attack­ing them. Every case of police bru­tal­ity against a Negro fol­lows the same pat­tern. They attack you, bust you all upside your mouth and then take you to court and charge you with assault.
What kind of demo­cracy is that? What kind of (uh) free­dom is that? What kind of social or polit­ic­al sys­tem is it when a black man has no voice in court? Has no noth­ing on his side oth­er than what the white man chooses to give you? My broth­ers and sis­ters we have to put a stop to this and it will nev­er be stopped until we stop it ourselves. They attack the vic­tim and then the crim­in­al who attacked the
vic­tim accuses the vic­tim of attack­ing him. This is Amer­ic­an justice. This is Amer­ic­an demo­cracy and those of you who are famil­i­ar with it know that in Amer­ic­an demo­cracy is hypo­crisy. Now if I’m wrong put me in jail, but if you can’t prove that in demo­cracy is not hypo­crisy then don’t put your hands on
me. Demo­cracy is hypo­crisy. If demo­cracy means free­dom why aren’t our people free? If demo­cracy means justice why don’t we have justice? If demo­cracy means equal­ity then why don’t we have equal­ity? Twenty mil­lion black people in this coun­try have been like boys in the white man’s house. He even calls us boys. Don’t care how big you get he calls you boy. You can be a pro­fess­or; to him you’re
just anoth­er boy. I heard him call­ing the Ral­ph ??Bunch?? “Why he’s a good old boy.” Who are you?

You don’t know. Don’t tell me Negro, that’s noth­ing. What were you before the white man named youa Negro? And where were you? And what did you have? What was yours? What lan­guage did you speak then? What was your name? It couldn’t have been Smith or Jones or Bunch?? or Pow­ell. That wasn’t your name. They don’t have those kind of names where you and I came from. No. What was your name? And why don’t you now know what your name was then? Where did it go? Where did you lose it? Who took it? And how did he take it? What tongue did you speak? How did the man take your tongue? Where is your his­tory? How did the man wipe out your his­tory? How did the man, what did the man do to make you as dumb as you are right now? And if we can’t do it we should hush our mouth. If you can’t do it for your­self, what the white man is doing for him­self, don’t say you’re equal with the white man. If you can’t set up a fact­ory like he sets up a fact­ory don’t talk that old equal­itytalk. Get off the wel­fare. Get out of that com­pens­a­tion line. Be a man. Earn what you need for your
own fam­ily. Then your fam­ily respects you. They’re proud to say that’s my fath­er. She’s proud to say that’s my hus­band. Fath­er means you’re tak­ing care of those chil­dren. Just ’cause you made them that don’t mean you’re a fath­er. Any­body can make a baby, but any­body can’t take care of them. Any­body can go and get a woman, but any­body can’t take care of a woman. Yes, we hate leavingness.
We hate drunk­en­ness. We hate (uh) dope addic­tion. We hate nicot­ine. We hate all of the vices that the white man has taught us to par­take in and he accuses us of hat­ing him. Why, because the white man knows you’re more dan­ger­ous sober than you are drunk. Yes, you are more dan­ger­ous sober than you are drunk. He’s not wor­ry­ing about no dan­cing, singing, clown­ing Negro. He’s wor­ried about you
when you stop dan­cing, when you stop singing, when you stop clown­ing and start think­ing. Then he gets wor­ried and you should keep him wor­ried. And now you know you need someone to teach you to respect your woman. You say well what about the white woman. No, you’ve been respect­ing her. 

Every time you see a Negro man he got his hat off show­ing his teeth to some fair skinned white woman. And the mis­take that you and I have made is leav­ing our women unpro­tec­ted. Any­body can get to her. Any old white man can come and pat a black woman. Can he not? And we are teach­ing the white man keep his hands and his eyes of our women.

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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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