@RiverhorseUK Present: ‘Hustlers Convention’ Set to Reveal the Forgotten Roots of Rap

The Grand­fath­er of Rap Returns

In 1973, a fast-talk­ing hust­ler by the name of Sport played a huge part in the birth of Hip Hop. Brought to life by Light­nin’ Rod aka Jalal Nur­id­din of The Last Poets, and backed by music from Kool & The Gang and many oth­ers, this street tale of card sharks, gam­blers, dope peddlars and thieves, changed the face of music.

Melle Mel, Fab 5 Fred­die and many oth­ers can still recite it word for word. Chuck D has described it as a ‘verbal bible to under­stand the streets’. Wu Tang, the Beast­ie Boys and Jungle Broth­ers have all paid homage to it.

Yet still, des­pite this recog­ni­tion, the album is largely miss­ing from its right­ful place in his­tory. The film makers behind the new film have just launched a crowd fund­ing cam­paign to help change that.

For the last two years a doc­u­ment­ary team has been fol­low­ing Jalal’s story, piecing togeth­er this cul­tur­al miss­ing link. When Jalal’s street rhym­ing style, based on the Afric­an Amer­ic­an jail toast tra­di­tion, met the black power polit­ics of the post-Mal­colm X era, the art of rap as we know it today, was born. hustlers convention

As a key mem­ber of New York’s The Last Poets, Jalal and his fel­low mem­bers became the voice of a gen­er­a­tion. They provided an expres­sion of the anger of the streets like had nev­er been heard before.

How­ever, it was Jalal’s solo album, Hust­lers Con­ven­tion, which painted a col­or­ful world of lar­ger than life char­ac­ters, doing what they needed to do to sur­vive, that really set the bar for what rap as an art form could become.

Hip Hop may have changed over the years. But its ori­gins haven’t. The film makers behind the pro­ject have just launched a crowd fund­ing cam­paign to ensure that this cru­cial piece of cul­tur­al his­tory is cap­tured and preserved.

Film maker Mike Todd, whose last fea­ture doc was the crit­ic­ally acclaimed Joe Fra­zi­er: When the Smoke Clears, explained: “This is a truly glob­al story. Rap, as a key part of Hip Hop, has changed the world. It has giv­en a voice to people across the globe. And yet, this cru­cial aspect of the art’s ori­gins is miss­ing from his­tory. We want to change that.”

“Like many people, I grew up with this music. It provided an insight and an aware­ness about the world we lived in, a dif­fer­ent per­spect­ive, which simply wouldn’t have been pos­sible oth­er­wise. Every­where where you find people search­ing to tell their own stor­ies, with their own voice – you will find rap and Hip Hop. But des­pite the massive influ­ence rap has had on glob­al cul­ture, so little is known about where it really comes from. For the first time, we are put­ting togeth­er a miss­ing piece of his­tory that will let people really under­stand the his­tor­ic­al con­text of how and why this art form developed.”

The cam­paign to sup­port the film can be found at www.hustlersconventionfilm.com. Perks include a unique lim­ited edi­tion vinyl of the legendary album, signed by its creator.

The doc­u­ment­ary comes at a time when, for the first time in forty years, Jalal Mansur Nur­id­din will be tak­ing to the stage to per­form Hust­lers Con­ven­tion live. It will take place at London’s icon­ic Jazz Café on Feb 10. It will be the first time the album has been per­formed in its entirety since its release.

Pro­du­cer Lath­an Hodge, who has been involved with Hip Hop for many years as a close col­lab­or­at­or with Pub­lic Enemy explains:

“Film­ing the gig in Lon­don will be the cul­min­a­tion of our jour­ney with Jalal. We’re just reach­ing out now to people for who this his­tory mat­ters, to help us pre­serve it.”

 Hust­lers Con­ven­tion the film is set for release in Sum­mer 2014. Face­book: https://www.facebook.com/HustlersConventionFilm Twit­ter: @RiverhorseUK [youtube]http://youtu.be/9pUdoYTl5qU[/youtube]

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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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