Q. Tell us about Chiu. Where are you from and what inspired you to become an
Guest: @NegoTrue & The Media and Medea
Nego True joins us for the I AM Ses­sion, Mumia Abu-Jamal explains the media and Medea
A Sister With Soul… An Interview With Courtney...
The past year has cer­tainly seen the stakes rise in the female tal­ent pool. With estab­lished
Interview on Viva Venezuela!
This is our inter­view on the doc­u­ment­ary Viva Venezuela with Eth­e­sham who is part of RCG/FRFI.
Interview: Hip-Hop And Beyond With
Home­boy Sand­man has released a dozen records since turn­ing heads in 2007, cul­min­at­ing in sign­ing to
Kickin’ It With Shah Rule (@iamshahrule) !
IAHH recently sup­por­ted rap­per Shah Rule’s head­lining gig at Surya Kings Cross! We catch up with
Hip Hop Artist John Berkavitch (@berkavitch)...
‘Shame’ is a new work of spoken word hip hop theatre by John Berkavitch who is joined
Introducing Adam KG! (@adamkhangill)
I Am Hip Hop’s Lana Bell(9_lanabell) caught up with sev­en­teen year old spoken word per­former and
Interview: Get To Know Coops (@CoopsOfficial) !
Who is Coops? And what does music mean to you? I’m 23, I’m a hip hop artist from north...
Get To Know XYM (@xymyorkrapper)
Get to know XYM, his tracks are lyr­ic­al stor­ies to listen to! He’s a rap­per from York­shire,...
A Stroll Down ‘Penny Lane’ With Dominic...
Inter­view with Domin­ic Garfield —  Artist­ic Dir­ect­or of HighRise Theatre and co star of ‘Penny...
Interview: Iron Braydz’s (@braydz) Waging War...
Q. Your EP Verbal SWARdz comes out on 14/04/14, how has it been received so far? My