Kickin’ It With Shah Rule (@iamshahrule) !

IAHH recently sup­por­ted rap­per Shah Rule’s head­lining gig at Surya Kings Cross! We catch up with him after the show to see how it all went and to find out more about him…

Q. Tell us about you and what Shah Rule means too?

I am a Nomad. I’m a cit­izen of the world! I am a die-hard fan of Hip-Hop music and the cul­ture that goes with it, and I con­stantly strive to make my own con­tri­bu­tion towards it leg­acy. My real name is Rahul Shahani, and since middle school I’ve had the nick­name “Rule”, which was also the first monik­er I per­formed with at 13. In 2011, when I gradu­ated from High School, I added the “Shah” from my last name, just as I entered the Insti­tute of Con­tem­por­ary Music Per­form­ance in Lon­don, ready to take on music full time. I cur­rently Rap, Sing, Pro­duce, Record, Mix and Mas­ter my own oth­er artists music in London.

Q. How did it feel to head­line the event at Surya? Is this a defin­ing moment in your career?

It felt amaz­ing. The energy in the room was incred­ible! We had two great open­ing acts, Hope and Pau­laa, who impressed many of our guests. I had the pleas­ure of Per­form­ing for the first time along­side DJ Doni Brasco, who com­ple­men­ted my raps with Scratch­ing Shah Rule vocal samples through­out my set. And of course my Co-Pro­du­cer and Engin­eer, Miguel Pessanha, was play­ing the Elec­tric and Acous­tic Gui­tar through­out the set. I wouldn’t say it’s a defin­ing moment in my career, though its anoth­er import­ant step­ping stone to reach­ing my goals. FNIK PR and myself aim to put on a Show­case like this one, every 5–6 weeks!

Q. What tracks did you per­form and what was the response like?

I star­ted off the set with a couple tracks off my mix­tape “Work­flow”, which I released in Novem­ber 2013. I also brought out a close friend and col­lab­or­at­or, rap­per Shak Dev­ille, to join me on the records he fea­tured on the mix­tape. I ended the set with much more recent tracks like “Nomad”, and “Cashish” with our open­ing act Hope. I also premiered a brand new single called “Cos­mic Party” which will be out at the end of the month. The over­all response was over­whelm­ing, the crowd was so hyped and feel­ing the music that it got me even more pumped up, which I love!

Q. You’re from Rus­sia, what’s the hip-hop scene in Rus­sia like in com­par­is­on to the UK?

The Hip-Hop scene in Rus­sia is really dope! Son­ic­ally, most of the rap­pers stick to the Boom Bap sound and deliv­er con­scious and intel­li­gent lyr­ic­al con­tent. The UK is very diverse when it comes to the Hip-Hop scene. Of course just like the UK, Rus­sia has its more main­stream rap­pers who tour inter­na­tion­ally and dabble into main­stream radio with fea­tures with fam­ous European DJ’s and Artists, e.g. Tim­ati. Though if I had to recom­mend artists who really push the cul­ture of Hip-Hop in Rus­sia, I would sug­gest look­ing into rap­pers like Guf and Basta.

Q. What does Hip Hop mean to you?

Hip-Hop is more than just the music. It’s the dan­cing, fash­ion, art, lan­guage and ter­min­o­logy, which is con­stantly used and developed by its enthu­si­asts. I feel the way that we listen to clas­sic albums, like The Great Adven­tures of Slick Rick, Crim­in­al Minded, or Ill­mat­ic, is par­al­lel to the way his­tor­i­ans study import­ant past events that paved the way for the present day. I listen back to an album like 36 Cham­bers, and find it refresh­ing and as ener­get­ic as some of the music that is out today, and can map the mod­ern day artists they influ­enced. When it comes to fash­ion, Hip-Hop has always been a little voice in my head, from rock­ing baggy Rocawear Jeans and a Coogi or Karl Kani hood­ie at the age of 12, fast for­ward to Middle School and High School to save up for a Bathing Ape hood­ie and an Aka­demiks bomber jack­et, til today where I still cop BBC and some new­er brands like Trapstarr.

Q. What’s been your favour­ite live per­form­ance and why? 

My favour­ite live per­form­ance so far was in 2011, when I was invited to the annu­al World Cul­ture Fest­iv­al, to per­form at one of the music tents at the Olympiasta­di­on in Ber­lin, Ger­many. I was asked to write, record and per­form a song on the theme of the fest­iv­al being a United World and Equal­ity of all Nations. The track I cre­ated was called “One World Fam­ily”, and I got the oppor­tun­ity to per­form it in front of 1000 people, which was a thrill­ing exper­i­ence. I’ve always felt that if I have a lar­ger crowd, which I can hype up, I give my best per­form­ance. It was def­in­itely a per­form­ance to remem­ber as the crowd was very receiv­ing and the energy in the room was unexplainable!

 Q. Where are your plans for 2015?

2015 for Shah RuLe will lead lots and lots of per­form­ances along­side very tal­en­ted musi­cians I have met and con­tin­ue to meet along the way, and a con­stant churn­ing of singles every month with new fresh top­ics and sounds pro­duced by myself. I am cur­rently work­ing on an EP, which will most likely be ready for release early Spring 2015. I’ve cur­rently been design­ing my own line of per­son­al­ised glob­al Army Jack­ets and Shah RuLe Mer­chand­ise, which will be ready for pur­chas­ing on by Feb­ru­ary 2015. Finally, I’m work­ing towards organ­iz­ing a UK Tour for Sum­mer 2015, along­side a col­lect­ive of loc­al musi­cians and vocal­ists. As a Producer/Engineer, I see myself get­ting my hands on as many pro­jects as pos­sible as its more than just my career, but my pas­sion and infatu­ation for good music.




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Digit­al Mar­ket­ing and You­Tube chan­nel man­ager who loves that good hip-hop.

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About Aaron3000

Digital Marketing and YouTube channel manager who loves that good hip-hop.

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