Interview: Get To Know Coops (@CoopsOfficial) !

Who is Coops? And what does music mean to you?

I’m 23, I’m a hip hop artist from north Lon­don and my lyr­ics are a way of self-reflect­ing and express­ing my thoughts.

Your video for your song “Chil­lin’ ” has a 90’s vibe to it crossed with a mod­ern life­style. Are you inspired by the “golden era” of hip-hop when mak­ing your music or was it a coincidence?

No it was­n’t a coin­cid­ence, I used to listen to music from that era grow­ing up and still do. That’s the style of rap I like. The video had some film Noir ele­ments to it which was a pop­u­lar style for video dir­ect­ors of 90s hip hop, this is what I believe brought that 90s look (asides the track). Back room poker games, the seep­ing light catch­ing the smoke through the blinds and seduct­ive women (although not over­played) were all noir references.

“Chil­lin’ ” is the intro­duc­tion to your mix­tape Lost Soul, what does the name Lost Soul mean to you? Why this name?

The sys­tem­at­ic con­sumer­ist val­ues that main­stream media pro­mote piss me off, so “Lost Soul” is my per­cep­tion of the world today. It’s what I see on the streets around me, it’s what I hear in the top­ics of peoples con­ver­sa­tions and it’s in the music people are listen­ing to, how­ever it’s also about sur­viv­ing out­side of the sys­tem, need­ing to be out­side of the sys­tem because it was designed to work against you in so many ways for some, that’s not just how I feel that’s how it is. Lost soul is a ref­er­ence to his­tor­ies of lost gen­er­a­tions in a world that nev­er seems to learn from past mistakes.

“Chil­lin” has soul­ful beat, who is behind the pro­duc­tion of the beat? Do you do everything or do you have a col­lect­ive who works with Coops’?

My friend Talos is behind the beat pro­duc­tion I’ve worked with him for about 3 years now and he has had a large part to play in the jazzy boom bap dir­ec­tion the music has taken through his sampling selec­tions and our growth togeth­er as musi­cians. Then there’s my boys that I’ve been around and rap­ping with from way back who also fea­ture on the tape, we all drive and inspire each other.

When you cre­ated Lost Soul did you draw any inspir­a­tion from any oth­er artist or any­thing in pop culture?

Good music con­tin­ues to inspire every­body and I do con­tin­ue to listen to and appre­ci­ate clas­sic albums like Ill­mat­ic, Infin­ite, Beats Rhymes & Life, Hell On Earth and many more which hope­fully comes through in my work. Still Lost Soul is a move away from overt influ­ences from cur­rent pop cul­ture as I am try­ing to break the mould not fit in to it.

You opened up for Nas in 2013 after win­ning the com­pet­i­tion with Choice FM, what did that mean to you?

My first ever live rap per­form­ance, on the main stage at the O2 sup­port­ing the Hip-Hop legend Nas. It meant a lot and was a crazy first exper­i­ence. I hope to have more like it.

 Do you have any more live per­form­ances com­ing up this year to accom­pany Lost Soul?

I haven’t really been a live per­former as yet my focus has been on cre­at­ing mater­i­al that I want to per­form. I think I’ve done that now so I’m look­ing for­ward to get­ting out there and get­ting involved in the live scene

Who are your top 5 rap­pers dead or alive?

I don’t have a top 5 but I’d prob­ably have to pick in no par­tic­u­lar order

Tupac, Nas, Eminem, prodigy, Q Tip

What does 2014 look like for Coops?

Well the mix­tape comes out on June 2nd so I’m just hop­ing to stay busy, start gig­ging, keep writ­ing and maybe even earn some money





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Digit­al Mar­ket­ing and You­Tube chan­nel man­ager who loves that good hip-hop.

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About Aaron3000

Digital Marketing and YouTube channel manager who loves that good hip-hop.

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