Review: Immortal Technique Live At The Royal Festival Hall

(Pho­to­graphy By Arash Sharifi)

On Sunday 16th June 2013 the US rap­per and act­iv­ist Immor­tal Tech­nique set alight the stage at The South Bank Centre, Lon­don. The live per­form­ance on Fath­ers Day saw Immor­tal doing what he does best, along with try­ing to pro­mote pos­it­ive mes­sages and val­ues includ­ing respect­ing ‘our’ women. With­in the first hour Immor­tal wasted no time and per­formed some of his biggest tracks to date includ­ing: “Toast to the Dead”, “Tell the Truth” , ‘The 3rd World”, “Point of No Return”, “Per­uvi­an Coke” and of course the Hip-Hop clas­sic “Dance with the Devil”.
He dropped a few conscious/politically focused acapella free­styles through­out the show but the lyr­ic before “Point of No Return” really got the crowd going. The crowd par­ti­cip­a­tion was really good as he had fans clap­ping their hands to the beat, and when Immor­tal said “Are we ready to take this Show to the next level’ and dropped “Per­uvi­an Coke” the whole crowd sang along and towards the end of the show repeatedly chanted ‘Technique,Technique’.

This high energy per­form­ance saw Immor­tal Tech­nique pro­mote more than just his own music but also many pos­it­ive mes­sages for the people to take home. He addressed issues such as: how import­ant it is to sup­port loc­al inde­pend­ent music and for writers to own their intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty, World Poverty, Ter­ror­ism, the leg­al­iz­a­tion of can­nabis and oth­er mes­sages such as: ‘we grow togeth­er or die apart’.

It was­n’t hos­ted at the greatest of Lon­don ven­ues but over­all it was a great gig from an artist I have wanted to tick off my list of acts to see for a while.

Giv­ing fans the oppor­tun­ity to meet with him after the show to sign things and take pic­tures, this added a nice touch to the per­form­ance, evid­ently show­ing how humble and down to earth the hip hop revolu­tion­ary sol­dier is.

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Eric Hunter

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