Review: KRS One At The Garage — London! (@IAmKRSOne)

Check out our foot­age from the night and relive the exper­i­ence! 


On Fri­day 7th June 2013 @ The Gar­age, Lon­don Town was shown what real Hip Hop music was all about. We were treated to a Hip Hop mas­ter class from the legend they call KRS One. In case you don’t know him he is a fun­da­ment­al mem­ber of the hip hop move­ment; who showed us that real hip hop is more than music, it is a way of life! He embod­ies hip hop to the fullest and by the end of his per­form­ance he was even sweat­ing hip hop.

In my life­time I have been to many shows and con­certs and I have seen some of the biggest names in world music per­form live but I can hon­estly say I have nev­er in my life wit­nessed any­thing like KRS One, let me tell you why…

We arrived to the ven­ue early to really take in the vibes. Dj Kid Fury of the UK was warm­ing up, spin­ning clas­sic hip hop tunes. As the ven­ue star­ted filling up, I saw a diverse range of people of all tribes, nations and nation­al­it­ies; there were people from all walks of life who had all been inspired by the works of KRS.

The time was almost 9pm and people star­ted mov­ing towards the stage to get a good view.  I was for­tu­nate to be right at the front in the middle by the time I turned round there was a sea of people eagerly anti­cip­at­ing the arrival of KRS One.

Moments later KRS came on to the stage he was so close to me he was almost in touch­ing dis­tance. He imme­di­ately began to mes­mer­ise the audi­ence with his lyr­ic­al abil­ity demon­strat­ing his trade mark flow and rhymes which were sub­lime. You could tell straight away it was going to be a night to remem­ber!

I was reminded how many hits KRS had as he began rolling back the years  belt­ing out hits like ‘9mm’ and  ‘Step into my world’ as well as throw­ing in some of his new mater­i­al. If KRS nev­er made it as rap­per he could have had a suc­cess­ful motiv­a­tion­al speak­er or teach­er. He blew my mind away with the know­ledge and wis­dom he impar­ted on us as he shared his exper­i­ences with the people of Lon­don. He told us that this night would change our lives and he was right. He also encour­aged  us to film him and share what he has to say unlike some of these mod­ern day ‘super­stars’ and ‘divas’.

KRS One per­forms with a smile on his face and it is good to see that after all these years he is still ener­get­ic and inspir­ing and loves his fans. He went above and bey­ond the call of duty by com­ing out into the crowd to sign auto­graphs while still rap­ping. If this was not impress­ive enough he also threw two boxes worth of signed ten­nis balls into the crowd. I can say after watch­ing KRS One live know­ledge def­in­itely reigns supreme.



Mikee Majest­ic

Twit­ter: @mikeemajestic

Ins­tagram: @mikee_majestic

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