
  • Intro­du­cing Adam KG! (@adamkha… May 28, 2015Introducing Adam KG! (@adamkhangill)
    I Am Hip Hop’s Lana Bell(9_lanabell) caught up with sev­en­teen year old spoken word per­former and hip hop artist, Adam KG. Check …
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  • Poetry: Revolu­tion by Azad Kam… May 28, 2015
      REVOLU­TION So far this glob­al reces­sion has led to a rel­at­ively inter­est­ing era. Whilst most gov­ern­ments are cut­ting pub­lic spend­ing, a revolu­tion has been dawning …
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  • Spoken­word: Bet­ter Eco­nomy by … May 22, 2015Spokenword: Better Economy by Caleb Femi (@CalebFemi5)
    Bet­ter Eco­nomy How do you expect a boy to be loved In a place where the strongest cur­rency is fear? What does a six­teen year old boy …
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  • Poetry: ‘Reas­ons’ By Her­mi­one … May 22, 2015Poetry: 'Reasons' By Hermione Cameron (@HermioneCamer1)
    Reas­ons Some­times I think people have reas­ons, and some­times reas­ons not I myself, a reason­er, hid under the mis­con­cep­tion That every­one did their thing for a …
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  • The World’s Oceans.. Poetry fr… May 20, 2015The World's Oceans.. Poetry from Virginia Joseph
      World’s oceans are no less than what your lungs deserve   I’ve heard that the bombs you drop con­tain thou­sands of tonnes of olive …
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  • Video: Arms Trade by I & I… May 15, 2015Video: Arms Trade by I & Ideal (@IdealArtist)
    The arms trade.. Are paid.. To be selling, Destruct­ive weapons that are made.. To them its invest­ments, that’d end up in hear ache.. Inno­cent civil­ians get killed with them.. So …
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  • An Edu­ca­tion of Dis­crim­in­a­tion… May 11, 2015An Education of Discrimination - Spoken Word by JJ 'Compass'
    Lon­don based — spoken word artist  JJ ‘Com­pass’ expresses a needed truth ! An Edu­ca­tion of Dis­crim­in­a­tion  So what’s the grounds for dis­crim­in­a­tion? Female, poor, brown, from …
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  • I Am by @Esoteric_Poetry May 7, 2015I Am by @Esoteric_Poetry
    I Am … I am… a con­tinu­ously evolving imper­fect work in pro­gress, attain­ing cor­rec­tion of my beha­viour, words, man­ner­isms and atti­tudes through the …
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  • Mr Lif and his Lyr­i­cism (@ther… May 3, 2015Mr Lif and his Lyricism (@therealMrLif)
    http://mrlif.bandcamp.com/ Mr Lif is an Amer­ic­an Hip-Hop artist, often known for the polit­ic­al nature in his lyr­ics. Mr Lif is also a member …
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  • Spoken Words With NovaKane fro… April 23, 2015Spoken Words With NovaKane from The Sacrificial Poets (@SacPoe) !
      Q. Is there much dif­fer­ence between NovaKane as an MC and NovaKane as a poet? Poetry allows me to break out of the confines …
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