
    Res­id­ence Music hip-hop artist Joshua Luke Smith has partnered with non-profit organ­iz­a­tion The Naked Truth Pro­ject and inde­pend­ent music label Orphan No …
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  • Poetry: “Trib­ute to Domest­ic V… Octo­ber 27, 2017Poetry: "Tribute to Domestic Violence Awareness Month by MJ"  (@MJsHipHopConnex)
    July 6th His double fists of knuckle rings to my brain Replays over and over and over again A life­time movie 3D with blood stains A my broken …
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  • Poetry: Le Hor­net (@LeHornet )… Octo­ber 5, 2017Poetry: Le Hornet (@LeHornet ) 'Word For Earth'
    I see the hotel from the out­side, looks very beau­ti­ful, so I order the tick­et and choose my ves­sel, the recep­tion area is white, like a sort of …
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  • Poetry: ‘Rough Copy’ By E… August 3, 2017Poetry: 'Rough Copy' By Efé
    Rough Copy Liv­ing on a con­crete slab of fake ideals A mesh of cor­rup­ted ideo­lo­gies run by plastic man­nequins. ‘Excess­ive’ waists restrained by cos­met­ic straight …
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  • Poetry: ‘And I Think To Myself… Feb­ru­ary 1, 2017
    I wondered in my Black molasses skin as I heard Louis’ raspy voice lull ‘What a won­der­ful world’. Did he wear some kind of spe­cial glasses? That …
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  • Spoken Word By Potent Whis­per … Janu­ary 16, 2017Spoken Word By Potent Whisper (@PotentOfficial ) 'Estate Of War'
    Lon­don rap­per Potent Whis­per releases ‘Estate of War’, a new Spoken Word piece explor­ing Estate Regen­er­a­tion. The video was filmed on Cress­ing­ham Gardens …
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  • Poetry: Love and Power By @Poe… Decem­ber 22, 2016Poetry: Love and Power By @PoetInitiative
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b‑AOy-YZ3rs Love and Power Two things that dom­in­ate our lives but aren’t that dif­fer­ent from each oth­er, The love you get from power can be just as …
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  • Poetry: ‘You Don’t Have To’ by… Novem­ber 1, 2016Poetry: 'You Don't Have To' by Dasha Kostkina
    No pres­sure, You don’t have to love me For the time spent Now not sure, Spent or wasted. As his­tory repeats itself I hope that you can taste it. Life was like a race, If …
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  • Cel­eb­rat­ing Tupac’s Birth­day W… June 16, 2016Celebrating Tupac's Birthday With His Words
    Tupac Amaru Shak­ur would have been 45 today. Not only a musi­cian but an a act­or,  a revolu­tion­ary, a writer, philo­soph­er and …
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  • The Oppressed Write Back — By … June 7, 2016The Oppressed Write Back - By Lana Bell
    Lyr­ics Heart tis­sue cry­ing to sound of its beat Begin­ning enters with a bass Slam my heart like a door to your bed­room Its over, I still love you I’ve …
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