
  • Poetry: ‘Shad­ow Dance’ (#MHAW2… May 20, 2016Poetry: 'Shadow Dance' (#MHAW2016) by Marv Radio
    As I fill my head with images of why this imper­fec­tion is not per­fect, Nav­ig­at­ing the dark cor­ridors in which the demons lurk, A …
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  • Poetry: Anthony Anaxagor­ou ’ T… Janu­ary 8, 2016Poetry: Anthony Anaxagorou ' The Crimes Of The Land'
    The Crimes Of The Land It is impossible for a wave to catch fire and burn. There are no mines hid­den in ebbing tides. There are no sol­diers crouched …
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  • Spoken Word Video + Lyr­ics: @M… Decem­ber 22, 2015Spoken Word Video + Lyrics: @MizanThePoet 'Stolen' (Child Soldiers)
    I feel like the odd one out Born in to a state of mind Where mor­al­ity has declined And i cant hit rewind For being born at the …
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  • Poetry: Rain­drops Can Rise! B… Novem­ber 17, 2015Poetry: Raindrops Can Rise!  By Lana Bell
      Police every­where. People every­where. Brad­ford City centre’, a white sky of suprem­acy hung like death a ghost sky of inter­n­al­ised ali­en­a­tion. I asked a motion­less white police officer …
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  • Poetry Inspir­a­tion: The Tradit… June 16, 2015Poetry Inspiration: The Tradition By Assata Shakur
    THE TRA­DI­TION Carry it on now. Carry it on. Carry it on now. Carry it on. Carry on the tra­di­tion. Their were Black People since the child­hood of time who car­ried it on. In Ghana and …
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  • Review: @ArtisticHorde Present… June 16, 2015Review: @ArtisticHorde Presents: Remarque Prize
      A mild autumn even­ing presen­ted a gra­cious show of poets present­ing won­der­fully insight­ful pieces. Form­al intro­duc­tions and pleas­ant inter­ac­tions for­mu­lated a warm …
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  • Spoken Word + Lyr­ics: ‘EDU­CAT… June 9, 2015Spoken Word + Lyrics:  'EDUCATION' By @RohunBatra
    ‘Edu­ca­tion’ by Rohun Batra (Pro­duced by ShoX­star) Can you remem­ber who you were before the world told you who you should be, A classic …
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  • Cops (Product Of The Envir­on­me… June 8, 2015Cops (Product Of The Environment) By Eric Campbell (@IntellectsRUs)
    Cops (Product Of The Envir­on­ment) Hold the cul-de-sac host­age You nig­gers won’t prosper While I’m sip­ping java My kids could be doc­tors Mean­while you in the doc­tors Your kids …
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  • Poetry: Sis­ta Lyr­ic (@SistaLyr… June 7, 2015Poetry: Sista Lyric (@SistaLyric ) 'Split Decision'
    Split decition Inspir­a­tion, ded­ic­a­tion, exclam­a­tion; a state­ment made with a recipe legendary. Quite con­trary, Holy Mary, fill the wound the core paved way. The for­bid­den was …
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  • Intro­du­cing… Humble The Poet! … June 5, 2015Introducing... Humble The Poet! (@humblethepoet)
    It’s always a priv­ilege meet­ing an artist who is keep­ing the fun­da­ment­al roots of Hip Hop alive by using their music as …
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