
  • Boscombe Revolu­tion Issue 1 — … Feb­ru­ary 23, 2015Boscombe Revolution Issue 1 - New Poetry Pamphlet on Place (@BoscombeR)
    Inter­view with Paul Hawkins and Simon McCor­mak about Boscombe Revolu­tion http://tableglockpress.wordpress.com/ Q. What is Boscombe Revolu­tion all about? And how did it come about? Si: We’re …
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  • Ben­jamin Zephaniah’s ‘The Race… Feb­ru­ary 13, 2015Benjamin Zephaniah's 'The Race Industry'
    The Race Industry The coconuts have got the jobs. The race industry is a growth industry. We des­pair­ing, they career­ing. We want more peace they want more …
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  • Poetry: Ray­mond Antro­bus ‘Conv… Feb­ru­ary 8, 2015Poetry: Raymond Antrobus 'Conversation With A Homeless Man On Shoreditch High St' (@RaymondAntrobus)
    Ray­mond Antro­bus http://raymondantrobus.blogspot.co.uk/ Ray­mond Antro­bus is a spoken word poet and pho­to­graph­er, born and bred in Hack­ney. He is co-cur­at­or of Chill Pill/Keats House …
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  • Poetry: Hive (Things are chang… Janu­ary 21, 2015Poetry: Hive (Things are changing…) by @NarkiP
    The hive is creep­ing out, I repeat The hive is creep­ing out my friend. They won­der why so many things have changed, The truth being …
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  • KRS-ONE & Saul Wil­li­ams Co… Janu­ary 17, 2015KRS-ONE & Saul Williams Collaborate in 'Ocean Within'
    Lyr­ics Ocean With­in by KRS-One and Saul Wil­li­ams Word.. Sonja.. you know you saw her in the movie And my man Saul, he’s like THIS! There is no ocean …
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  • Intro­du­cing Young Poet: Ankita… Janu­ary 12, 2015Introducing Young Poet: Ankita Saxena
    Ankita is a Lon­don based poet (BAR poet) who has recently begun per­form­ing. Check out her stuff, and remem­ber her name!   Splin­ters Home is where …
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    E PLURIBUS UNUM — The Last Poets Selfish desires are burn­ing like fires among those who hoard the gold As the con­tin­ue to keep the people asleep and the …
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  • Must Watch: The Leg­acy of Malc… Janu­ary 5, 2015Must Watch: The Legacy of Malcolm X by @IbrahimSincere
      The Leg­acy of Mal­colm X presen­ted last Feb­ru­ary was in com­mem­or­a­tion of and in line with the mar­tyr­dom anniversary of Mal­colm X, and …
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  • ‘Truth is on the side of the o… Janu­ary 4, 2015'Truth is on the side of the oppressed'~ Malcolm X | Artists Tributes For Trayvon Martin
    Poetry By  Mark Thompson He Saw a Hooded Fig­ureSo the trees are no longer dec­or­ated with strange south­ern fruits­But Trayvon Mar­tin still gets …
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  • Poetry: ‘The Oth­er 9/11’ by Is… Decem­ber 31, 2014Poetry: 'The Other 9/11' by Ishmael Street (@ygb79 )
    The Oth­er 9⁄11 On this day we are told to always remem­ber those Who lost their life on the red, white, and blue Soil. Yet, hidden …
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