‘Truth is on the side of the oppressed’~ Malcolm X | Artists Tributes For Trayvon Martin

Poetry By  Mark Thompson

He Saw a Hooded Fig­ure

So the trees are no longer dec­or­ated with strange south­ern fruits
But Trayvon Mar­tin still gets no justice when Zim­mer­man shoots.
The lat­ter claimed he had the right to simply stand his ground
But first, against police advice, he fol­lowed young Trayvon around
Try­ing to decide, I guess, if the teen­ager really posed a threat.
But judging by what Trayvon was pack­ing, he was a wrong as wrong can get.
He car­ried a sug­ar coated rain­bow that will nev­er sweeten this pill
And a cold can of iced tea that he will nev­er got to swill.
No drugs, no weapons, no alco­hol, in fact noth­ing illeg­al,
So what struck such fear into this man’s heart? What made him com­mit an act so evil?
Who gave him the right to chal­lenge this young man may I enquire?
Why did he decide to start the exchange, which would end with fatal fire?
He saw a hooded fig­ure, who he could see was not his kin.
Yes he saw a hooded fig­ure, but… he also saw his skin.
He saw a hooded fig­ure, he made his blood run red,
He saw a hooded fig­ure and the young man now is dead.
For forty-four days and nights the gun­man kept his liberty,
You can draw your own con­clu­sions as to just why that might be.
They claim Trayvon was armed with the very ground on which he walked,
But he did­n’t bring it with him and he was the one being stalked
By an armed man, who chose to leave the safety of his car.
Why was Zim­mer­man not sat­is­fied to fol­low from afar?
I have a pack ques­tions, but the answers are too few,
Yet that the south­ern states lack justice, is surely noth­ing new.
For while I hear the trees are no longer dec­or­ated with strange hanging fruits,
A young black man still gets no justice, when it’s a white man shoots.

trayvon martin

Art­work by Ricardo Levis Mor­ales http://www.rlmartstudio.com/

“Made You Die” Trayvon Mar­tin Trib­ute, fea­tur­ing Yasi­in Bey, Dead Prez, and mikeflo.


“Trayvon” Jasiri X  @jasiri_x


Poetry By Chalotte Higgins 











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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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