“Lately I’ve been con­fused with the boxes, because to me, they only breed con­flict” (Akala, Find
I am Hip Hop Magazine’s Arash Shari­fi steps on the mic for his very own pod­cast
A Manifesto – A Response to Macklemore and Ryan...
“…these are the words that I mani­fest. I Mani­fest.” – Gang Starr, Mani­fest (No More Mr.
Racist Human Zoos — This Situation Has Not Gone...
Con­grat­u­la­tions to the cam­paign for shut­ting down the art exhib­i­tion, which the cam­paign rightly said...
Must Read: Dying For Justice
The Insti­tute of Race Rela­tions pub­lished Dying for Justice which gives the back­ground on 509 people
Everyday Racism: What Should We Do? @Akalamusic
Racism is a busi­ness. Its mar­ket­ing is so suc­cess­ful that even Akala looks side­ways at a
Who Was Stephen Lawrence?
  Steph­en Lawrence was born on 13th Septem­ber 1974 in South East Lon­don. His par­ents...
Assata Shakur Talking From Exile About Cuba and...
“We had to learn that we’re beau­ti­ful. We had to relearn some­thing force­fully taken from us.
Black Skin White Masks
Black Skin, White Masks was the first book to invest­ig­ate the psy­cho­logy of colo­ni­al­ism. It...
Video: @IbrahimSincere- ‘By Any Means Necessary...
‘Black His­tory Month’; This lit­er­ary piece is an attempt to address and ana­lyse some of the
MUST WATCH: The Modern Racist Paradigm
This is a well researched doc­u­ment­ary that exposes the White Media’s long-term agenda to...
Let’s Not Just Make Noise, Let’s Make a...
Fer­guson: The Rap Artists’ Response It was announced on Novem­ber 24th that Police Officer Dar­ren Wilson