Knowledge Session: Democracy is Hypocrisy By...
[youtube][/youtube] Demo­cracy is Hypocrisy Mal­colm X You don’t scare Negroes...
Review: Breakin’ Convention Park Jam
So to cel­eb­rate 10 years in the game, Breakin’ Con­ven­tion put on their first free Park
Avante Garde Hip Hop Constant Deviants...
Q. What does your name “M.I.” stand for and what is your back­ground in terms of 
Video: Angela Davis on Assata Shakur
One day after the exiled former Black Pan­ther Assata Shak­ur became the first woman named to
Review: Hustlers Convention With Jalal Of The...
Pho­to­graphy By: Rae Smith  Chuck D once described the ground break­ing and genre-cre­at­ing but largely...
Inside the Mind of Rapper and Activist Marcel...
Q. First off thank you for the chance to inter­view. If pos­sible could you give us
Album:GRIEVES (@Grievesmusic) ‘Winter &...
Seattle rap­per, GRIEVES, returns to deliv­er his much anti­cip­ated, brand new stu­dio album, ‘Winter...
Get To Know Razor (@Razorartist) !
Q. What lead you pick up the mic and start rapping? To be hon­est a lot
Interview: @EmarrMusic Talks Devonte’s Theme
Music in tune with cur­rent events innately pos­sesses a con­scious need to speak on the ills
In Full Effect With Radio Rahim (@realradiorahim)
Q. Tell us a bit about how and why you got into hip hop? I got into
Retired Footballer To Change Hip-Hop?
From the World Cup to the World Con­gress, retired Brazili­an legend Romario has taken an interest
Has Nicki Minaj Lost Her Looking *SS Mind?
Music is about art, and a lot of the time the art is cri­ti­cised for cross­ing