Interview With Matt Maddox (@MattMaddox82) !

Q. Tell us who Matt Mad­dox is?
I’m an emcee. I am a fath­er. I’m from Hawaii/Long Beach CA.

Q. How have you evolved since Asylum Artistry?
I’ve evolved more as a writer. My work I feel is more in depth and per­son­al in some of the new works. More vari­ation and emo­tion­al con­tent to the rhymes. Pro­duc­tion is next level too.


Q. What is your asso­ci­ation with the west coast tra­di­tions? Do you feel the influ­ence or is that some­thing you see as past?
I am a west coast dude for life. I got noth­ing but love for every­body who get biz wherever they are. I will sup­port show­ing love to who­ever deserves it too. The influ­ence is found­a­tion­al as the east coast is to my development.

Q. How do you find crowds in Europe respond to your music? Do you enjoy play­ing there? Is the reac­tion dif­fer­ent to the US?
I find them to be a bit more live in some cases. Some instances are dif­fer­ent though, depends on state, city, and coun­try. There’s a lot of com­pet­i­tion in the USA so it’s real flooded here. Europe can pick and choose who to bring out and book. There­fore it’s anti­cip­ated, and the energy builds dif­fer­ent in anti­cip­a­tion of it.

Q. SXSW is one of the biggest events on the inter­na­tion­al cal­en­dar. How did you get that oppor­tun­ity? What can the fans expect from your performance?
Tim­ing and oppor­tun­ity is really all I can say from my own per­spect­ive. I’d ima­gine the music had some­thing to do with it ha ha. I’m try­ing to ener­gize my per­form­ance and pick a great­er vari­ation of songs to perform.

Q. What can we expect in 2014 and beyond?
More music, more shows, more me !!

Matt Mad­dox album Right­eous Fury released on 25th Feb­ru­ary on Red Phone Records / Sev­en 13 Music 

Avail­able in digit­al and CD formats.

Sunny Sharma



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Sunny Sharma

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