Get to know Oracy (@ORACYmusic)
Q. What lead you to pick up the mic and start rapping? I used to rap
Public Enemy Documentary! — Prophets...
And if you think the noise is the music, the lyr­ics are gonna be nois­i­er than
The Person Behind the Artist: Andy Singer
Q. Hello Andy, please give us some back­ground about yourself? I’m the child of a couple
Exclusive Interview with Dub Fx (@dub_fx) !
Inter­view with Dub Fx! This is our writ­ten inter­view with world­wide street per­former &...
Video: Capital X (@CapitalX305375) ‘Spic...
Guer­rilla Repub­lik’s Cap­it­al X drops a new video ‘Spic In Black’ — Check it out!...
          It was the 1970’s that gave birth to Hip Hop‑a cul­ture