Rebel Diaz (@RebelDiaz) ‘Get On...
“For Rebel Diaz, grow­ing up in Chica­go as part of the Hip Hop scene, it was
Interview With J Manifesto (@JdotOdot)
Q. ‘Vicari­ously Through Memor­ies’ is an album title drip­ping with nos­tal­gic sen­ti­ment. There­fore...
Review: Humble The Poet (@HumbleThePoet) Live In...
Humble the Poet- Review Bangkok Kit­chen Bar and Kit­chen: 28.03.14 An even­ing highly charged with...
Graffiti…Vandalism Or A Work Of Art?
Van­dal­ism or a work of art? Ima­gine if Michelan­gelo was fined for paint­ing the Sis­tine Chapel,...
New Music: The Scribes ‘Positive Vibes’...
The first UK based act to sign with US label Kami­kazi Air­lines, The Scribes are a
Interview : EMC (@eMCcrew) And @LadyLeshurr
Masta Ace, the EMC Crew and Lady Leshurr dropped in to  West­side stu­di­os on the DJ
Video + Lyrics: Terror Bliss (@TerrorBliss) —...
‘My Mind’ (Lyr­ics + Video) The first release from the forth com­ing debut EP ‘Dont Buy This,
Interview With Mighty Moe (@MightyMoe) !
Q. You have always pro­jec­ted good ener­gies and pos­it­ive vibes in your music, from when you
Review: Ciaran Mac (@CiaranMac2014) ‘Took Your...
There’s an unfor­tu­nate opin­ion that’s far to com­mon on the hip-hop scene that rap is only
Catch-Up with I & Ideal Artist!
If you haven’t had the pleas­ure of see­ing I & Ideal Artist live, you’ve prob­ably noticed
Review: Onyx (@ONYX_HQ) Live At Jazz Café!
19.05.14  Review- Onyx  The even­ing was irrit­ably humid. Upon arrival to the Cam­den Under­ground...
Guests: @Gambit_Ace & @MikeySmith121
This week’s IAHH Show brings you a blend of tracks depict­ing love and insan­ity with a