Review: Humble The Poet (@HumbleThePoet) Live In London

Humble the Poet- Review

Bangkok Kit­chen Bar and Kit­chen: 28.03.14

An even­ing highly charged with anti­cip­a­tion of a mod­est per­form­ance, Humble the Poet addressed the audi­ence with a call to bring col­lect­ive energy to the atmo­sphere. The even­ing did not dis­ap­point. The col­lect­ive energy of Nihal who spun a 30 min set, Doni Brasco, Rax­star, Shizzio and TaZzZ provided an intense rhyth­mic­al exper­i­ence, cre­at­ing an elec­tri­fy­ing open­ing to the show.

The audi­ence was mainly of Pun­j­abi- Indi­an dis­sent fash­ion­ing a strong cul­tur­al base, non­ethe­less eth­nic ori­gin had no place here. Hip Hop suc­cess­fully elev­ated any bound­ar­ies with every eth­ni­city in the build­ing shar­ing in the over­all vibe. “Throw your hands up my Pun­j­abi!” got the crowd hyped up and amped, as Humble’s per­form­ance of ‘Baggi Music’ shook the floor with foot thuds and enthu­si­ast­ic screams of reit­er­a­tion. Humble the poet for­ti­fied his non-judge­ment­al eth­ic and rhet­or­ic of ‘being’ whilst explain­ing to the audi­ence his asso­ci­ate Sikh Knowledge’s sexu­al ori­ent­a­tion is his life choice, and his friend should not fear per­se­cu­tion or mali­cious judge­ment. LGBT bar­ri­ers were broken with the crowd’s acknow­ledg­ment of impar­tial atti­tudes in the dir­ec­tion of an individual’s right to ‘being’; this kind of dis­crim­in­at­ory out­look is notori­ous amongst tra­di­tion­al Asi­an culture.

Music con­tin­ued with a new, revolu­tion­ary tune played in the set- “Bhagat Singh, Mal­com X!”  blar­ing with excep­tion­al crowd inter­ac­tion. The vari­ety of music style was altered with rap­ping over some dub­step and some cuts from the DJ before return­ing to hip-hop style beats. Humble told the audi­ence they could leave at any time to catch the tube towards the close of the show. The major­ity opted to stay and enjoyed a shout out to Jay Elec­tron­ica with a trib­ute in ‘Mohamed Said Exhib­it K’ Just Blaze pro­duced Joint. The listen­ers no doubt felt the soul­ful ambi­ance. Humble the Poet con­tin­ued song after song, stretch­ing his allot­ted stage time as much as pos­sible, finally fin­ish­ing with a reluct­ant to-fin­ish last verse. Humble stuck around sign­ing auto­graphs and enga­ging with all people who wanted to exchange dia­logue for plenty of time- the even­ing was cer­tainly a hum­bling experience.

On top of this, the show raised money for ‘Happy to Help’ a children’s char­ity which aims to raise money for patients, med­ic­al staff and families.


Emcee ShvaOne


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Vish ShvaOne

Vish is an Emcee, edu­ca­tion devel­op­ment lead­er at the Hip Hip His­tor­i­an Soci­ety and recently, co-dir­ect­or of Every Per­son is Cap­able. He works on Hip Hop com­munity mat­ters and lives to uplift people.

About Vish ShvaOne

Vish is an Emcee, education development leader at the Hip Hip Historian Society and recently, co-director of Every Person is Capable. He works on Hip Hop community matters and lives to uplift people.

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