New Album: ‘Fools Gold’ by Quadir Lateef...
Quadir Lateef, a USA based act­iv­ist and one of the dopest lyr­i­cists of 2013, launched his latest
Review: Othello The Remix @Unicorn_Theatre
The Q broth­ers’ adap­tion of Oth­ello breathes some fresh air into the tragedy, bril­liantly trans­lat­ing...
Graffiti History: 5 Pointz
Since the dawn of time, undoubtedly, people have imprin­ted their names on the walls of caves,
Exclusive Interview With Stic of Dead Prez
Q. Thank you for the chance to inter­view you. What where the main factors that lead
I Am Hip Hop Magazine Youth Media of The Month...
Thank you to Youth Media Agency for mak­ing I Am Hip Hop Magazine Youth Media Of
Kickin’ Knowledge…An Interview With...
Q. Tell us a bit about how and why you got into Hip Hop?  I first got
Interview With The Legendary @LordFinesseDITC!
Ori­gin­at­ing from the birth­place of Hip-Hop; The Bronx, New York, pro­du­cer and rap­per Lord Fin­esse...
Video: “Willie Lynch” — Paul “PR”...
Video + Lyrics: Potent Whisper (@PotentOfficial)...
[youtube][/youtube] Just Won­der­ing By Potent Whisper Verse 1 What would...
Exclusive Film: Your World News Presents ‘Hip...
This is the doc­u­ment­ary cor­por­a­tions won’t want you to view and study. If you are upset
Exclusive Interview!! with Outlandish
Hip-Hop has been viewed as one of the most influ­en­tial music­al genres today. As a form
Get To Know Too Many T’s (@TooManyTs) !
Q. The Huff­ing­ton Post called you ‘the UK’s answer to the Beast­ie Boys’, who would you