Review: Breakin’ Convention Park Jam

So to cel­eb­rate 10 years in the game, Breakin’ Con­ven­tion put on their first free Park Jam. A out­door event cov­er­ing all aspects of hip hop at Spa Fields Park on bank hol­i­day Monday. Con­tinu­ing Breakin’ Con­ven­tion ‘s on going com­mit­ment to cel­eb­rat­ing all ele­ments of hip hop cul­ture the event fea­tured DJs, a live band, emcees, dance cyphers, beat box­ers and a graf­fiti jam. This was hip hop in its truest form.

The music stage was hos­ted by Mys­tro & Jonzi D. The stage was full of tal­en­ted rap­pers, poets and musi­cians, such as Wordsworth and Cax­ton Press per­form­ing their sets. After fol­lowed the open mic ses­sion, where mcs had to drop six­teen bars of know­ledge and wis­dom before their time was up . Also per­form­ing where the tal­ents of beat box­er, such as Marv-iLL. As the sun beat down on every­one, you could feel the great vibes that was filling the air.

While the rap­pers and beat box­ers were doing their thing, the break dan­cers where throw­ing down amaz­ing moves. From the skills of Second To None to the young­sters, every­one brought their A game to the floor.

For all you people that love a great workout UK Bar-Bari­ans bar where there demon­stra­tions what a body can do with just a couple of bars and their own body strength. From pulls ups, to hands stands on the bars it was a full workout session.

This was in all sense of the words a true com­munity event. The place was full of and friends enjoy­ing and par tak­ing in all aspects of hip hop. How­ever the main stars of the whole event where the chil­dren break dan­cing. Their energy and fear­less­ness to try out all pos­sible break­dan­cing moves was a great thing to witness.

We as a com­munity need more free events like Breakin’ Convention’s Park Jam to bring all of us togeth­er for a great time full of energy, pas­sion and love. Massive shout out to all the people that where involved in put­ting togeth­er such a great event of hip hop. As the say­ing goes the best things in life are free. So if you love all things hip hop make sure you get to Breakin’ Convention’s next event.


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Arash Shari­fi

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Arash Sharifi

Arash has been pas­sion­ate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, edu­cate and empower people to become bet­ter ver­sions of them­selves and help and sup­port their com­munity and oth­ers. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teach­er to us all.

About Arash Sharifi

Arash has been passionate about Hip hop for many years. He believes through hip hop you can teach, educate and empower people to become better versions of themselves and help and support their community and others. Hip hop is more than just music, it can be a teacher to us all.

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