Hip Hop pur­ists are already hip to the upcom­ing DnD (Dilla x Dres) album by Dres (Black Sheep) and the late great J Dilla.  Dres has been shar­ing snip­pets here and there but today the first single in its entirety is ready to go, and it’s a pre-elec­tion neces­sity!

Dres recruits his legendary peer Chuck D for an eye-open­ing, hair rais­ing mas­ter­piece ready to blare through com­munit­ies nation­wide, all the way to vot­ing booths.

Press play to exper­i­ence a timeline of soci­et­al gen­o­cides that can only seize through the power of uni­fied voices.

“Dilla Drums” will empower the neces­sary aware­ness and cru­ci­al­ity of voting…With heads high and a strong fist, unite for change!

Ins­tagram @blacksheepdres @mrchuckd_pe

Twit­ter @dresblacksheep @mrchuckd

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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!