International/national Hip Hop artist Rhyme Assas­sin con­tin­ues to leave fans on the edge of their seats with upcom­ing single “Run Em Up (Told Ya).” Assas­sin is well-known for link­ing with legends in the game and this track is no excep­tion; the record fea­tures the icon­ic M.O.P along with Ruste Juxx. Tap in below for some scoop on the soon to be released single.



MJ: You’re back with brand new music, still shar­ing mics with legends of the game. This time around for your new single, drop­ping every­where April 19th, you have M.O.P and Ruste Juxx in “Run Em Up (Told Ya)” with pro­duc­tion by Arci­type. How did this link-up come into play?

Rhyme Assas­sin: Approx­im­ately 2 years ago I pur­chased a few beats from the Arci­type and when I heard the beat, I used for Run Em Up all I could hear on it was M.O.P crush­ing the instru­ment­al so when I con­sidered a fea­ture it had to be M.O.P. It took me some time to get the fea­ture in place but super excited it worked out.

MJ: From the cov­er, we can already assume there will be grit­ti­ness, tough bars, and even some intim­id­a­tion. Without giv­ing too much away before April 19th, talk about the concept of the record.

Rhyme Assas­sin: All I can say it’s grimy and gritty, with raw bars and meta­phors at the same time. It will have your head nod­ding like crazy. A spe­cial shout out to Arci­type, I told him the dir­ec­tion I wanted to take with the song, and he didn’t take long to whip out his bag of son­ic magic tricks. He sent a beat that matched the exact mood I was aim­ing at, exactly what the song needed. It’s gonna be crazy every­body gotta keep the 19th clear for “Run Em Up.”

MJ: Why M.O.P and Ruste Juxx for the features?

Rhyme Assas­sin: Well, I have been always a fan of M.O.P and they are legends in the game so it’s an hon­or to have them on the same track. That’s why the open­ing was “I am on a track with legends”.  Like I explained earli­er they bring the right energy that the beat needed, and they anni­hil­ated the track with punch­lines and meta­phors. Juxx is a vet­er­an MC and I worked with him on a few tracks, and he poses great skills and energy that would com­ple­ment M.O.P on the same track, so I felt he would be the per­fect match.

MJ: Is this record lead­ing fans and audi­ences into some­thing forth­com­ing from you?

Rhyme Assas­sin: Rum ‘em Up (Told ya) is the second single from my forth­com­ing album ‘Ded­ic­ated to Self’ which will drop this year but cur­rently no date has been set yet. I will poten­tially drop one more single and 2 videos and then drop the album.

MJ: Can we expect visu­als? Again, without giv­ing too much away, what is your vis­ion for the video?

Rhyme Assas­sin: I am cur­rently in dis­cus­sion of the poten­tial of get­ting a video done with M.O.P and Ruste Juxx for this single. I have hopes of mak­ing the video because I know fans are going to love this offer­ing. As a fan of M.O.P it would be a per­son­al accom­plish­ment and achieve­ment to have them on video. As for the concept I will dis­cuss with the team if every­one is on the same page to get one done.

MJ: Let every­one know how they can con­nect with you and keep up to date with new music, videos, tours, etc.

Rhyme Assas­sin: Any­one can con­tact me on the fol­low­ing email – and Rhyme Assas­sin on all media plat­forms like Spo­ti­fy, You­Tube, Ins­tagram, and Facebook.

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!