I had the pleas­ure of link­ing up with Maine The Medi­cine to chop it up about his forth­com­ing solo album titled “B.U.T.C.H” (Built Under The Culture’s Hands).  Fans can expect the LP to drop August 6th on all major plat­forms.

MJ: Your new album B.U.T.C.H. (Built Under The Cul­ture’s Hands) debuts every­where August 6th. After listen­ing to the album, I think it’s fair to state this is by far the most super­i­or of album releases. Can you go into detail about the cor­rel­a­tion between the title of the album and MAINE as an artist?

cover cd baby copy

Maine: The title B.U.T.C.H is in hon­or of my fath­er who for the last two years has been through so much, from dia­lys­is to both legs being ampu­tated, and not know­ing what his day to day would look like. I know there were times he wanted to give up, but he hung in there and kept fight­ing. Wit­ness­ing that I wanted to show my fath­er the ulti­mate respect and name the album after him, plus he was the first one to intro­duce me to Hip-Hop. My first two records he bought for me were Kur­tis Blow and New Edi­tion.  Between my fath­er and cous­ins Sudan and Bar­kin from Queens­bridge, and my uncle Stevie, a Lat­in per­cus­sion­ist who played with Luth­er Vandross for 20 years… I was raised under music. That’s where ‘built under the cul­ture’s hand’ derives from. To a fault Hip-Hop con­sumes my entire life from the way I think, dress, and talk. All I ever wanted to do was rap. Even now at the age of 42 all I want to do is rap and let the world hear my music.

MJ: This 22-track LP epi­tom­izes the essence of Hip-Hop and upon release will poten­tially push the cul­ture to the fore­front. Talk about everything that went into cre­at­ing this album. It’s evid­ent this was a skilled mas­tery in the mak­ing.

Maine: I went into this album with the mind­set of cur­at­ing some­thing per­son­al and spe­cial. I wanted to give the fans that gritty Maine with the punches, but also give them a can­did look into my life and some of the things I have been going through. Music is truly the best ther­apy wheth­er your writ­ing or listen­ing to it. I want my album to show great lyr­i­cism and storytelling, and to give the young­er gen­er­a­tion a reas­on to appre­ci­ate our cul­ture; learn from it instead of rebelling against it. I care­fully hand­picked people who I knew were Hip-Hop fans to express their love for the cul­ture and who or what made them fall in love with it… Although I hate to sound cliché, this album takes you on a jour­ney.

MJ: The pro­duc­tion embod­ies the per­fect blend of soul­ful under­tones, gritty mixes, and of course that clas­sic boom bap heavy bass. That arrange­ment intens­i­fies your clev­er word­play and rhyme schemes. Tell us about that emcee and pro­duc­tion chem­istry.

Maine:  Going into the album I knew I wanted a cer­tain feel and vibe to the album. That boom bap and soul­ful feel has always been my sound. I knew with this being my solo pro­ject I had to go back to that sound. I must give a huge shout to my big homie U.G for push­ing to do anoth­er solo pro­ject, “Maine when you gonna work on that pro­ject, I’m wait­ing for you lil bro, I got you.” He star­ted craft­ing some heat for me and flaw­lessly fell in line with the sound I wanted. Then he jumped on the “M.A.I.N.E” track and the ball star­ted rolling. Nat­ive Seals was also a major influ­ence to push this solo pro­ject. My second single “Let Me Love” fea­tur­ing Ty Soul is one of the many gems I got from Nat­ive. Of course, I needed to include pro­duc­tion from my 20-year crew I.M.F Cata­combs with Willy Sully and Da Leadgeon. They know my style and right off the bat they went in without me hav­ing to say any­thing and cre­ated 5 joints on the album. I also was blessed to have pro­duc­tion from Fath­er Focus Con­fu­s­ous, Jlstu­di­os, Big City, and Know- it.

MJ: It was dif­fi­cult to pin­point album favor­ites, as each track flaw­lessly tran­scends into the next track. How­ever, “MAINE” did stand out for a couple of reas­ons. In the industry there’s a craze that after a cer­tain age rhym­ing should be left for resumes so the young­er gen­er­a­tion can shine. The issue with that is there’s a fair num­ber of young artists who are not ‘built under the cul­ture’s hand’, not will­ing to learn the his­tory of Hip-Hop, and are not cre­at­ing music for the pur­pose of longev­ity. “MAINE” nails that from begin­ning to end with in your face, stay in your lane lyr­ics. Share your insight on that track.

Maine: That track was pro­duced by U.G and fea­tures U.G of the legendary Cella Dwel­las. He was so inves­ted in that track. I did a hook for it, but he wanted to take it up a notch. So now that track is on ster­oids espe­cially once he jumped on it. Hon­estly, I was becom­ing frus­trated with the lack of effort in the verses I here now a days, rap­ping over the vocals, and fol­low­ing the hot­test trend. Once I heard the beat, I just unleashed that frus­tra­tion. The hook defines me and what I’m about, which is a product of my era who was ‘built under the cul­ture’s hand’… Some of my per­son­al favor­ite tracks are “Nev­er Fails”, “Ded­ic­a­tion”, “I’m Try­ing”, and “let me love you” just to name a few.

MJ: Take this time to share with fans and listen­ers any­thing else they can expect from “B.U.T.C.H”

Maine: Aw man I want the fans to know I put so much thought, effort, and heart into this pro­ject. I want them to see how much I have grown as an artist, and that I will con­tin­ue to push myself to be cre­at­ive and not become stag­nant. I’m also com­ing out with a solo EP pro­duced by my cata­combs team, an I.M.F EP is also in the works, a Mercy Gang album, Maine and Ty Soul EP, CBC 2, and a couple of oth­er pro­jects are in the works… I’m 42 I need to keep mak­ing music while I can because tomor­row is not prom­ised.  I want to give a spe­cial s/o and respect to the artists fea­tured on the album includ­ing U.G, Sus­pect, Elz Sinatra, Ren Thomas, my B.O.B broth­ers Holla Da Schol­ar and Mercy, Will Sully, Paul­ie, Da Leadgeon, Lambo Lo, Ty soul, Aman­da Rogan, Jay Pre­ston, Dan Schultz, James Ebron, Vis­ion, Bomber The Mon­sta, and DJ TMB.  It was truly an hon­or to work with all these amaz­ing artists.

Here’s a sneak peek into what’s to come. Watch the offi­cial video for “Live From The Cata­comb” off the forth­com­ing “B.U.T.C.H” album.

Con­nect with Maine The Medi­cine on Face­book | Twit­ter

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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!