April 7th : LON­DON Round­house Camden

April 13th : BIRM­ING­HAM Leg­acy Centre of Excellence

April 14th : MANCHESTER Con­tact Theatre

April 21st : BRIS­TOL Trin­ity Com­munity Arts

April 28th: LEICESTER 2Funky 


As Hip Hop con­tin­ues through its 50th year, a ground-break­ing cel­eb­ra­tion is set to kick off across cit­ies, invit­ing enthu­si­asts of all ages to immerse them­selves in the vibrant world of Hip Hop cul­ture. Spear­headed by DJ 279 aka Num­bers, the event prom­ises an unfor­get­table fusion of art, music, dance, and dialogue.

The event has so many high­lights like the Hip Hop Paint Party, led by the tal­en­ted @Sal_freckles, an artist renowned for her innov­at­ive approach to Hip Hop-inspired art­work. Par­ti­cipants will embark on a cre­at­ive jour­ney, guid­ing those that attend through the pro­cess of craft­ing an acryl­ic paint­ing on can­vas, inspired by the rich tapestry of Hip Hop cul­ture. The ses­sion, set to a lively soundtrack cur­ated by a live DJ spin­ning clean ver­sions of Hip-Hop clas­sics, prom­ises a dynam­ic and enga­ging atmo­sphere, per­fect for artists of all skill levels.

@Sal_freckles “We wanted to cre­ate an exper­i­ence that cel­eb­rates Hip Hop in all its forms,” says Seduced by Art’s spokes­per­son. “The Hip Hop Paint Party is a test­a­ment to the cul­ture’s endur­ing influ­ence on art and creativity.”

In addi­tion to the paint party, Hip Hop at 50 fea­tures a diverse line-up of inter­act­ive ses­sions designed to explore dif­fer­ent facets of Hip Hop:

Respect The DJ: Hos­ted by Cut­mas­ter Swift, a former DMC World Cham­pi­on, and fea­tur­ing esteemed DJs includ­ing DJ Woody (ITF Cham­pi­on), Huw Wack­man, Psyk­ho­mantus, DJ Prime Cuts, Shortee Blitz (Kiss FM), DJ Lynx. Frikshun, Nihal (BBC 5 Live) and many more. The pan­el delves into the artistry of the craft and the tech­no­logy behind the mod­ern DJ, from Ser­ato soft­ware, to scratch­ing and mix­ing tech­niques, attendees will gain insights into the evolving land­scape of DJ cul­ture. There will also be an exhib­i­tion and work­shop where those that attend can get hands on exper­i­ence on some of the latest pieces of equipment.

Hip Hop (A Dif­fer­ent Per­spect­ive): Explore the untold stor­ies behind Hip Hop’s rise in the UK. The ses­sions will be hos­ted by DJ Pogo. Pan­el­lists include Zak, the founder of LWR Radio, Monk (Leeds Hip hop Museum) Crazeski, DJ Yess, DJ Style (Bris­tol), Kash Rex, MC Duke, Supreme, Hooch (founder of the BBoy Cham­pi­on­ships), Leaky Fresh, Sefton Mad­face This pan­el offers a deep­er under­stand­ing of the cul­tur­al and entre­pren­eur­i­al forces that shaped Hip Hop’s early days in each city.

So, You’re a Rap­per:

Led by Funky DL, a former MOBO win­ner, this pan­el offers aspir­ing rap­pers invalu­able advice on nav­ig­at­ing the industry and hon­ing their craft. Dav­id J The Pugil­ist who will per­form a spoken word piece and the two will be joined by emcees like Malik (MD7) Harry Shotta, Mynature, Carasel, Black­smith, San­ity, MC Duke par­ti­cipants will delve into the art of lyr­i­cism and storytelling.

Let’s Dance:

Get mov­ing with a lively dance ses­sion hos­ted by Sam Samurai and Pop­pin Jutsu. From Street Dance to Break­dance, attendees will groove to beats provided by DJ Biznizz and learn sig­na­ture moves from seasoned BBoys/Bgirls like Saba, (Bris­tol), LB (Smac 19) Terra (Birm­ing­ham), Bboy Magic (Leicester)


Exper­i­ence the rhythmic art of beat box­ing with live per­form­ances and inter­act­ive ses­sions, per­fect for those eager to explore new talents.

The Hip Hop at 50 tour prom­ises to be a mile­stone cel­eb­ra­tion, unit­ing com­munit­ies through a shared pas­sion for art, music, and cul­ture. Join us as we hon­our five dec­ades of Hip Hop excel­lence and cre­ativ­ity. Each even­ing will con­clude with live per­form­ances from Artists like Blak Twang, Mysdiggi

For more inform­a­tion and tick­et details, vis­it https://www.hiphopat50.co.uk

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.