New Music: Cyclonious (@Cyclonious) ‘What’s Your Fate?’


With the cur­rent pan­de­moni­um we have been exper­i­en­cing and wit­ness­ing the past few weeks, this song drops in the thick of things and dares to ask the ques­tion, ‘What’s Your Fate?’. Dir­ec­ted and writ­ten by Cyc­lo­ni­ous, filmed and edited by Chiba visu­als, in Cyc’s own words:

“Story telling is fad­ing away with­in the Hip Hop spec­trum. I want to take your mind’s eye on a short tale in the every day street life that a per­cent­age of us live”

This time Cyc­lo­ni­ous has put togeth­er the pro­duc­tion in superb fash­ion cre­at­ing an nos­tal­gic, enchant­ing beat and melody which is a beau­ti­ful detailed frame while Cyc­lo­ni­ous brings a splen­did nar­rat­ive that com­pletes this mas­ter piece. This single is uncanny and should nev­er be overlooked!

‘What’s Your Fate?’, unlocks the listen­ers pan­doras box with a well writ­ten sotry which is based on a true series of events. The story app­roc­ah is some­thing we dont often get any more inside of hip hop as the vast major­ity of artist like to stay in a com­fort­able pos­istion with­in being cre­at­ive. Cyc­lo­ni­ous on the oth­er hand wants to take his audi­ence on a dif­fer­ent route through­out this ‘Honey Trap’ epis­ode! ‘What goes around yo it comes straight back, love or hate if your in it blood how would you react, now whats your fate?’ taken from the hook is just a taste from this pal­at­able dish served on this hip hop journey.


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Apex Zero

An emcee, beat­maker, film­maker and writer from Lon­don with Gren­adian roots, Apex Zero has spent his life learn­ing and liv­ing Hip Hop cul­ture, using it to inspire and affect change. Based in Beijing for a few years and reg­u­larly tour­ing the globe, Apex is well trav­elled, and uses the les­sons this provides to inform his art and out­look. He is a mem­ber of the Glob­al­Fac­tion digit­al pro­duc­tion house and the inter­na­tion­al Hip Hop col­lect­ive End of the Weak.

About Apex Zero

An emcee, beatmaker, filmmaker and writer from London with Grenadian roots, Apex Zero has spent his life learning and living Hip Hop culture, using it to inspire and affect change. Based in Beijing for a few years and regularly touring the globe, Apex is well travelled, and uses the lessons this provides to inform his art and outlook. He is a member of the GlobalFaction digital production house and the international Hip Hop collective End of the Weak.