Discover : MHD — Afro Trap show at the Royal Festival Hall the 11th of June


Alright folks, I could notice that you were not really aware of what’s going on the oth­er Channel’s side. Only 20 miles and you miss so many things !

If you tired of the Grime Music, let’s dis­cov­er the Afro Trap Music. Its name is quite expli­cit, it’s a mix between tra­di­tion­al Afric­an rhythmics and Trap Music.

Basic­ally the kind of thing that’s sounds improb­able. But as sur­pris­ing as it can be, both of these influ­ences are match­ing per­fectly well. The Afric­an beats give a very dan­cing aspect while the Trap bring the hard­ness to the sound. An explos­ive cock­tail in short.

This move­ment has just shot up in France last year, to the extent that it has become one of the main trend in the French rap scene. Its best rep­res­ent­at­ive and pion­eer is called MHD. This 22 years old guy has cleared out everything last year. With his first album “MHD”, he gained the double plat­in­um disk. For the moment, with only 13 video clips in his You­tube chan­nel, he reached almost half a bil­lion views…

Lucky you, this guy is going to play a one-off show for the M.I.A’s Melt­down the Sunday 11th of June at the Roy­al Fest­iv­al Hall.

It’s the unique oppor­tun­ity for you to dis­cov­er in live this new phe­nomen­on. And maybe, who knows, the Afro Trap will get you.

Tick­ets this way :

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Timothée Chataux

Com­ing from Par­is and inter­ested in French & US Hip Hop top­ics. I’m writ­ting about any rel­ev­ant sub­jects for I am Hip Hop magazine. You only know MC Sol­aar ? My mis­sion is to show you many more.

About Timothée Chataux

Coming from Paris and interested in French & US Hip Hop topics. I'm writting about any relevant subjects for I am Hip Hop magazine. You only know MC Solaar ? My mission is to show you many more.