
  • Who Was Steph­en Lawrence? March 11, 2015Who Was Stephen Lawrence?
      Steph­en Lawrence was born on 13th Septem­ber 1974 in South East Lon­don. His par­ents are Neville and Doreen Lawrence and he has two younger …
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  • Retired Foot­baller To Change H… March 9, 2015Retired Footballer To Change Hip-Hop?
    From the World Cup to the World Con­gress, retired Brazili­an legend Romario has taken an interest in shak­ing up the Hip-Hop scene …
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  • Know­ledge Ses­sion: Who Is Leon… March 7, 2015Knowledge Session: Who Is Leonard Peltier?
    Leonard Pel­ti­er, a cit­izen of the Anish­in­abe and Lakota Nations, is a fath­er, a grand­fath­er, an artist, a writer, and an Indigenous …
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  • Has Nicki Minaj Lost Her Looki… March 7, 2015Has Nicki Minaj Lost Her Looking *SS Mind?
    Music is about art, and a lot of the time the art is cri­ti­cised for cross­ing new bound­ar­ies. Well hip-hop super­star Nicki Minaj has …
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  • Pir­ate Bay Founder Helped Wiki… March 3, 2015Pirate Bay Founder Helped Wikileaks On Several Fronts
    The Pir­ate Bay doc­u­ment­ary TPB AFK  high­lights some under-repor­ted details about the con­nec­tion between the Bit­Tor­rent site and Wikileaks. Among oth­er things, …
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  • On Demo­cracy March 2, 2015On Democracy
    de·moc·ra·cy    Greek a) from demos = people, and b) kratos = power free and equal rep­res­ent­a­tion of people: the free and equal right of every person …
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  • Is Teach­ing Hip-Hop In The Cla… Feb­ru­ary 27, 2015Is Teaching Hip-Hop In The Classroom Wrong?
    Is there any­thing wrong with using songs to teach stu­dents how to use meta­phors? Charter School of Boyn­ton Beach believe there is …
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  • Know­ledge Ses­sion: Exe­cu­tion o… Feb­ru­ary 25, 2015Knowledge Session: Execution of Tupac Amaru 2
    José Gab­ri­el Túpac Amaru (March 19, 1742 – May 18, 1781) — known as Túpac Amaru II hence the ori­gins of  2pac Shak­ur­’s name (Tupac Amaru …
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  • Assata Shak­ur Talk­ing From Exi… Feb­ru­ary 24, 2015Assata Shakur Talking From Exile About Cuba and U.S.A Government
    “We had to learn that we’re beau­ti­ful. We had to relearn some­thing force­fully taken from us. We had to learn about Black …
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  • Pod­cast Epis­ode #21: Only God … Feb­ru­ary 23, 2015Podcast Episode #21: Only God Knows (@dioninfinite) Your con­science acts as an inner voice for you every­day. The good and the bad are all known to that inner self …
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