de·moc·ra·cy [ di mókrəssee ] Greek a) from demos = people, and b) kratos = power
free and equal representation of people: the free and equal right of every person to participate in a system of government, often practiced by electing representatives of the people by the majority of the people
democratic nation: a country with a government that has been elected freely and equally by all its citizens
democratic system of government: a system of government based on the principle of majority decision-making
This was Found in; Encarta World English Dictionary.
Is Amerikkka any of these three definitions? The founding Fathers philosophized about democracy and equality, or so it would seem. With the exclusion of Women, people of color (Amerindians and African Slaves mostly at that time), and even poor white males who were not economically nor socially privileged, Democracy in the U.S was anything but a “majority will of the people”. PhD. in Political Science Micheal Parenti canonizes best, in his book; “Democracy for the Few”. In fact this has been a settler nation since its inception, it had the function of being a democracy of the few rich, and powerful white men. The term ‘democracy’ is thrown around for different uses that suit the ruling élite. For example, Amerikkka is occupying Iraq, under the guise of establishing democracy. Yet Iraq had a democracy In 1968, under Abdul Rahman Arif. Backed by the CIA, the Ba’ath Party overthrew the democratically elected government for such perks as oil, and geo-political pressure on the U.S.S.R ( The great Amerikkan Democracy has achieved, and supported similar coup d’état in against other democratically elected governments like Salvador Allende in Chile, Juan Bosch in Dominican Republic, and Mosadegh in Iran to name a few examples. But overthrowing a Peaceful government is not by any a means to an end. Without political-economic hegemony over the new installed dictatorships in aforementioned nations, and others — (El Salvador, Guatemala, Batista in Cuba, Trujillo in D.R., Hussein in Iraq, Suharto in Indonesia etc;) – overthrow of a régime is irrelevant. The overthrow of a régime is a tool for the expansion of capital. Until Amerikkka puts democratic theory into practice, imperialism under the banner of democracy will be forever in contradiction.
Felons are a large constituent of unrecognized people. According to; currently, over 5.3 million people in the USA are denied the right to vote because of felony disenfranchisement. This nullifies definition 2. Felons are considered citizens, but they cannot vote, approximately 70% of these felons are men of Color and virtually all of them are working class men who were already born poor and underprivileged. There is a direct correlation between men of color in low-class neighborhoods being the most unemployed, achieving the least in education, and generally existing as the most proletarianized, in conjunction with the fact that prisons are disproportionately loaded with these same men. Therein lies a racist contradiction to the mass incarceration of men of color. For many of these men who become caught up in the hustle of the drug war, they are in fact ‘Black Market Capitalists’. They follow the philosophy of the current ideology i.e.; individualism, disregard for another’s life, Profit >People and entrepreneurship. Yet they are in direct conflict with the state or it would seem. The fact that many of these men grow up in neighborhoods, underprivileged, abandoned by the state, and usually from a background of an oppressed nationality, the best method of social control for these men would be to a) keep them uneducated and b) immobilized them and depoliticize them in when they figure out the hustle that is capitalism and use it for themselves.
Is there equal and free representation? With the exclusion of felons, who are largely colored, there is also lack of representation among; Gays, “Leftists”(Socialists, Communists, Anarchist’s, etc;), but most of all, the Regular Working Poor, who only live to work, and only work as long as their cheap labor is profitable (Marx). Leftist are absolutely unrecognized by the state. This is of upmost importance. On the one hand; ‘Democracy’, is meant to give equal and free representation. On the other; much of the left (Yours truly included), will not operate within the state, let alone reform it; along the lines of; the ‘nice’ Well-fare Capitalism, with a ‘human face’. Just as the Real Left would (and WILL) call upon the oppressed masses to suppress the minority ruling-élite (bourgeoisie) , the State, from Slave societies of Antiquity, to Medieval Feudal, and our Modern Democratic Capitalist Society CANNOT and WILL NOT allow any representation to those of us who are the Antithesis to the Oppressor classes.
Many politicians give hope to the poor, many scum politicians use this hope to get themselves elected. It would almost seem that many of these political ‘leaders’, are in fact a modern day Robin Hood, like Obama. While at the same time they are funded by the Corporations, Wall St and Upper-Supra-rich Class (see bourgeoisie). They make themselves, and those underprivileged and under-educated (due to the State), undergo feelings of solidarity and charity by giving hand-outs to the poor. Better yet they can only amuse the working poor. These are not our leaders, men like Obama, and many other politicians are POVERTY PIMPS. You are inclined to look at what has really changed for Our Working class, besides the increased exportations, increased arrests of political activists, and increased militarization of the police, escalation of Oils Wars, and New Oil Wars, and further cuts to the meager vital help that the working class receives for mere sustenance. Equal and free representation is for those who can afford it and those who DO NOT CHALLENGE THE STATUS QUO. It is not possible under the State apparatus that preaches “Democracy” to effectively bring about egalitarian change.
There is some semblance between democracy and social control. The “pioneers” of Democracy were the ancient Greek Athenians. Who also excluded women, slaves, and once again even those men who did not have enough wealth (the majority). The reason for this is that as those who exploited the masses, gained more power, and more influence. And for them the Most Important issue on the To Do list was suppression, division and sabotage of the masses for the benefit of their rule. This State Democracy is at the fore front of class antagonisms, for ONLY when there is a division of class, is it necessary to have consensus for ruling competing factions. When there is mixing Democracy with Warfare Capitalism, (i.e.; Amerikkka) your encounter empirical inequality. They Came and still continue to come to a consensus for the Subtle Slavery of Our Class. With every new generation Revolution is Essential. Solidarity is Vital. This Day, the time of Rule by Minority has become obsolete as well as the Status Quo.
Gata Malandra
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