Interview: A Minute With @RebelDiaz & @Agent_of_Change

 Rebel Diaz and Agent Of Change ‘Work Like Chavez’ is a track that paid homage to the late great lead­er Hugo Chavez. We got to ask them a few ques­tions about the track,  the clos­ure of RDACBX  and how we can all learn from Chavez to work like Chavez! 

Q. First off, we are extremely saddened by the RDACBX clos­ure. You always say to ‘pro­pose’ rather than ‘oppose’. What do you pro­pose to do now?

We pro­pos­ing a build­ing cam­paign, to gen­er­ate funds and people sup­port for RDACBX to acquire a new build­ing that is owned by the artists in the com­munity, in the mean­while we are in a tem­por­ary store­front in the Bronx, May-August 2013 con­tinu­ing our pro­gram­ming, includ­ing cul­tur­al events and polit­ic­al education/media lit­er­acy workshops.

Q. ‘Work Like Chavez’ is abso­lute fire! What is it that you want your listen­ers to take away from it?

We want our listen­ers to cel­eb­rate the leg­acy of Chavez, a lead­er in the glob­al struggle against poverty, neo-lib­er­al­ism and imper­i­al­ism, and carry his vis­ion for­ward through our loc­al work.

Q. Agent Of Change, tell us a bit about the pro­duc­tion of the track?

The intro sample is from legendary Venezuelan musi­cian and act­iv­ist, Alí Primera. The words trans­late as “Those who die for life can not be called dead. From this moment on, mourn­ing is pro­hib­ited”. The sample in the main beat is from Simón Díaz, one of the most import­ant fig­ures in Venezuelan folk music.

Listen to the track 


Check out the lyr­ics below!

I can­’t front im upset that they took our buildin
Next Thing the Comand­ante man I know they killed him
Some­thing goin on I gotta read the signs
Somethin telling me that its about that time
Time to step it up cuz I still smell sulfur
Still smell the money in this cap­it­al­ist culture
So im ded­ic­at­in verses to my boy jamil
He out there in Venezuela.. Front­line its real!
Hunts Point New York 2005
That’s when I real­ized the revolu­tion soo alive
We ain’t nev­er had a pres­id­ent come around mine
He brought OIL for the poor in the wintertime
He showed Love to the Bronx that’s called Solidarity
We show love back ain’t no politi­cian scar­in me
Anti imper­i­al­ist til I we go delirious
The work is get­ting serious.…that’s why they keep fear­in us!!

Do the math­em­at­ics Hugo Chavez was the baddest
I gotta work Chavez… (2X)
In Caracas
El pro­ceso va palante
In Chicago
El pro­ceso va palante
In the South Bronx
El pro­ceso va palante
It goes worldwide
El pro­ceso va palante

This move­ment ain’t defeated,
La lucha sigue
Den­tro de todos esa rebel­dia existe
La CIA comete crimen
Igual las ideas viven
Aqui el pueblo decide
No lo que los medi­os dicen
Quer­en parar una cul­tura alternativa
Fijate desde el bronx hasta amer­ica latina
Cap­it­alista van
Cap­it­alista vienen
Buscan tus bienes
Quer­en hacer lo que queren
Ahora deci­mos NO!
No al imperialismo,
Al neoliberlismo
Los bancos,
Los ricos
Ni un millonario
Chavez fue solidaario
Ni Bush ni Obama lleg­aron a ayudarnos
No lo olvidamos,
Mas que Venezolano,
Esto cruza frontera
Hip hop bolivariano
Amer­ica unida
Como creamos ese frente?
Solid­ar­id­ad por todo el continente!


Rishma Dhali­w­al

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.

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