Has Nicki Minaj Lost Her Looking *SS Mind?

Music is about art, and a lot of the time the art is cri­ti­cised for cross­ing new bound­ar­ies. Well hip-hop super­star Nicki Minaj has done this with her new song “Look­ing Ass N*gga”. The title only of the song is already a prob­lem, unfor­tu­nately and wrongly, the deadly n‑word has become a col­lo­qui­al term. Rap­pers use it, your aver­age Joe uses it, the word fea­tures in memes and even Madonna uses it, towards her own white son!

But this isn’t about how Nicki uses the word as the title of the song, or how it con­tinu­ously fea­tures through­out the song. No. This is about the art­work used for the song. Someone on the Team Minaj has edited and jux­ta­posed a pic­ture of deceased black min­ster and human rights act­iv­ist Mal­colm X with a gun and the title “Look­ing Ass N*gga”.

Wheth­er this is for pro­mo­tion or just pure ignor­ance this is dis­gust­ing! Nicki Minaj as an Afric­an Amer­ic­an female should be able to draw the line between try­ing to be innov­at­ive in selling her art and embar­rass­ing her­self and dis­respect­ing her race! I’m not in sup­port of the usage of the word at all but, I’ve come to accept that it will not be erad­ic­ated any time soon, but the pure ignor­ance and the stu­pid­ity of the pic­ture, I can­not accept.

Using the word is one thing, but try­ing asso­ci­ate a role mod­el for many people of all races with a word with such awful and racist con­nota­tions is unthink­able. Minaj is seen as role mod­el, but what type of role mod­el does this rep­res­ent? The song is some sort of fem­in­ist state­ment. Minaj basic­ally ridicules male “stun­ters”, which is fair. It’s a form of artist­ic expres­sion. So why belittle the image of Mal­colm X? Was he not fight­ing for equal­ity? Every­one who was apart of this pro­ject do need to look at them­selves and think about what they have done. And Nicki Minaj needs to remem­ber that unfor­tu­nately she is a role model.


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Digit­al Mar­ket­ing and You­Tube chan­nel man­ager who loves that good hip-hop.

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About Aaron3000

Digital Marketing and YouTube channel manager who loves that good hip-hop.

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