
  • Must Watch: Doc­u­ment­ary Viva V… June 1, 2015Must Watch: Documentary Viva Venezuela - Fighting for Socialism
    On  5  March 2013,  Hugo Chavez the pres­id­ent of Venezuela, and lead­er of the Bolivari­an Revolu­tion,  died of can­cer. Due to his commitment …
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  • The Essen­cia Of Comunity Empow… May 31, 2015The Essencia Of Comunity Empowerment
    Essen­cia is an inde­pend­ent col­lect­ive of  artists from dif­fer­ent back­grounds. Their aim is to Essen­cia uses art as a means of  communication …
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  • I Am Trayvon May 30, 2015I Am Trayvon
    (Con­tri­bu­tion by Slik Magazine / Steph­en Lawrence Found­a­tion) Mil­lions world­wide have signed the peti­tion to seek justice for the killing of  17 year …
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  • Must Read: Soledad Broth­er: Th… May 30, 2015Must Read: Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson
      Soledad Broth­er is a col­lec­tion of Jack­son’s let­ters from pris­on and an out­spoken con­dem­na­tion of racism and white suprem­acy in USA. George …
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  • The Rise Of The Revolu­tion­ist … May 29, 2015The Rise Of The Revolutionist Rappers
    Hip Hop was a product of  an extremely polit­ic­al era, how­ever the strong and opin­ion­ated nar­rat­ives that are rooted in some of …
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  • Know­ledge Ses­sion: Who Was Ho … May 25, 2015Knowledge Session: Who Was Ho Chi Minh?
    People of Ho Chi Minh’s cal­ibre don’t come around often. One of the great revolu­tion­ar­ies of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury, he excelled as …
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  • The World’s Oceans.. Poetry fr… May 20, 2015The World's Oceans.. Poetry from Virginia Joseph
      World’s oceans are no less than what your lungs deserve   I’ve heard that the bombs you drop con­tain thou­sands of tonnes of olive …
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  • Know­ledge Ses­sion: Who are the… May 17, 2015Knowledge Session: Who are the Zapatistas?
    The Zapatista Army of Nation­al Lib­er­a­tion (Ejér­cito Zapatista de Lib­era­ción Nacion­al, EZLN) often referred to as the Zapatis­tas is a revolu­tion­ary left wing  group based in Chiapas, …
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  • This is Black His­tory @GlobalF… May 17, 2015This is Black History @GlobalFaction @LastResortUK
    This is Black His­tory was pro­duced by Last Resort and Glob­al­Fac­tion Fea­tur­ing: Jody McIntyre, Logic, Big Ben, Jaja Soze, big­CAKES, Gen­es­is Eli­jah, MC …
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    You are endowed with tal­ents that no one else has. It may be what you do, how you do it, and even …
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