Retired Footballer To Change Hip-Hop?

From the World Cup to the World Con­gress, retired Brazili­an legend Romario has taken an interest in shak­ing up the Hip-Hop scene in Brazil.

The former Brazil striker is now a social­ist rep­res­ent­at­ive in Rio de Janeir­o’s Cham­ber of Depu­ties and he reportedly has plans to enforce a law with Brazil’s min­istry of labour cov­er­ing DJs, MCs, beat-box­ing, street-dan­cing, and graf­fiti. On his offi­cial site, Romario stated about the afore­men­tioned groups, “So we are recog­niz­ing the value of our young people who live and breathe hip hop in all its forms of expres­sion and social action.”

If the law is enforced, DJing, MCing, rap­ping, beat-box­ing, street-dan­cing and being a graf­fiti artist will be recog­nised by by the Min­istry of Labour and may be registered in the world of work. The concept of this will make the Hip-Hop scene in Brazil  viewed as a pro­fes­sion­al, rather than a dream for quick money and a fancy life­style. It will be inter­est­ing to see how Brazili­an artists react to this recent news. Will this catch on in oth­er coun­tries? Hip-Hop is used as a tool for those in deprived areas to break free of their neg­at­ive sur­round­ings, this can only make the genre more appeal­ing to a wider main stream audi­ence right?

Although Romari­o’s back­ground is in foot­ball, this can be a very wise move in help­ing the youth. The music industry is not always seen as the most prof­it­able pro­fes­sion, because a lot of new artist are conned from the begin­ning and the stip­u­la­tion of con­tracts can have a huge effect on the musi­cians final pay cheque. This also takes away the crim­in­al con­nota­tion of Hip-Hop. Graf­fiti is linked to crime, turn­ing this neg­at­ive into a pos­it­ive could change a lot of lives.

Hope­fully “Pro­ject Romario” does take off, because it could be a new way to help those who need help. #NewRules


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Digit­al Mar­ket­ing and You­Tube chan­nel man­ager who loves that good hip-hop.

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Digital Marketing and YouTube channel manager who loves that good hip-hop.

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