Charlotte Higgins is a young poet and writer from Northern Ireland. She is a previous winner of SLAMbassadors UK (2011) and the Foyle Young Poet of the Year award (2010).
She has performed in venues including the 100 Club, Buckingham Palace, the Royal Festival Hall, and Nuyorican Poetry Café (New York), and in summer 2012 worked with Poetry Parnassus festival and as a national judge on Shake the Dust youth poetry slam.
She has recently performed at the Proms Plus Lates in the Royal Albert Hall, and was a finalist in the 2013 Roundhouse Poetry Slam. She is a member of the London-based poetry collective Burn After Reading.
She studies English at Christ’s College, Cambridge, and is currently the Young Poet in Residence at the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology in Cambridge. She runs ‘Speakeasy’, a brand new Cambridge-based spoken word night.
Charlotte Higgins is a great role model for aspiring young poets whose aims are to engage with their audience with a powerful stage presence. As its a dynamic, genuine and influential performance that undoubtedly reaches the audience. Charlotte’s performance is an example. Its a powerful performance that brings those written lyrics and words to life, and to be more creative — brings the noise of the audience to life.
- I am Hip Hop Magazine
Also Next Performance Dates:
16th February: Air and Fire reading series (in Christ’s College, Cambridge, representing my college as a poet)
23rd February and 9th March: Speakeasy (the final two of this term, in the ADC Theatre bar, featuring Hollie McNish, Kareem Parkins-Brown and Mike Hood on the 23rd, and Antosh Wojcik, Lewis Buxton and Justina Ogunseitan on the 9th)
30th March: Pipes vs. Mics at the Royal Festival Hall with the other Pull Out All the Stops Poets (as part of a festival celebrating the Royal Festival Hall organ)
Lana Bell
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