Australia’s First People have been mar­gin­al­ised through­out the cen­tur­ies, ever since Cap­tain Cook first...
Many of Australia’s tour­ists and recent migrants from Europe will tell you excitedly about how grate­ful
Must Read: Australian Aboriginal Rappers (Free...
Free book on Abori­gin­al Hip-Hop! The second edi­tion of the crit­ic­ally-acclaimed book REAL TALK:...
Knowledge Session: Who is Mama Yosepha?
  Yosepha Alo­mang (Mama Yosepha) is an indi­gen­ous woman from the Indone­sian province of Iri­an Jaya...
Knowledge Session: Who Was Comandanta Ramona?
  Comand­anta Ramona was an influ­en­tial mem­ber of the Zapatista Army or Ejér­cito Zapatista de...
Must Watch: Welcome to Loliondo
[vimeo][/vimeo] Wel­come to Loliondo Almost unnoticed by the glob­al main­stream media an...
A Woman in Rebellion. The Art of Frida Kahlo
[youtube][/youtube] Frida Kahlo de Rivera (July 6, 1907 — July 13, 1954; born Mag­dalena...
Must Watch: Living The Sacred Teachings...
The ances­tral know­ledge of the Hawaii­an people was handed from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion through an...
Shaol Lake Canadian Museum of Human Rights...
Dur­ing the grand open­ing of the Cana­dian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR), the Shoal Lake No.
Yaguar Aka JHT Returns Decolonizing Hip-Hop...
”Decol­on­iz­a­tion is the pro­cess to unlearn in order to RE-learn, and under­stand LIFE as a last
Lessons To Learn From Indigenous People
The word ‘Indi­gen­ous’ is widely used to describe the ori­gin­al inhab­it­ants of  a spe­cif­ic area...