GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hip-hop-induction-lagos?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow‑1

Loud Base is a power­house of pro­mot­ing the four ele­ments of Hip Hop in Africa. Our goal is to sus­tain the pos­it­ive devel­op­ment of Hip Hop cul­ture in Africa. Our mis­sion is to re-birth Hip Hop in Africa by encour­aging and empower­ing young prac­ti­tion­ers of HipHop cul­ture and bring strong aware­ness and excit­ing moments for lov­ers of Hip Hop to appreciate.



Loud Base was formed in Niger­ia in 2018 with the pur­pose of com­mit­ting Afric­an Hip Hop prac­ti­tion­ers to value the home-based plat­forms that pro­mote their Art. In 2019 Loud Base became act­ively involved in enga­ging, net­work­ing with and con­nect­ing pro­fes­sion­al Hip Hop prac­ti­tion­ers around the world to help cre­ate a focus in Africa and imple­ment viable and bene­fi­cial con­tents in and from Africa. The main pur­pose is to give young Afric­an Hip-Hop prac­ti­tion­ers a good sense of achieve­ment, inspir­a­tion and motiv­a­tion, and to cre­ate oppor­tun­it­ies for them to build suc­cess­ful careers and live pro­duct­ive, ful­filling lives.

We have done this by:
·      Provid­ing pro­fes­sion­al tutors, in Africa, in the dia­spora and from around the world to engage in dance and music exchanges, facil­it­at­ing work­shops and competitions
·      Facil­it­at­ing oppor­tun­it­ies for dan­cers and musi­cians from vari­ous coun­tries and con­tin­ents in the world to con­nect with and par­ti­cip­ate in the var­ied and diverse Afric­an Hip-hop scenes
·      Cre­at­ing an ‘Afric­an first’ Hip Hop Con­fer­ence to con­nect grass­roots and estab­lished prac­ti­tion­ers and organ­isa­tions across the con­tin­ent and in the dia­spora to come togeth­er and inter­change ideas on how to devel­op Hip Hop in Africa.

After a year of plan­ning, Loud Base suc­cess­fully organ­ised the first annu­al ‘Hip Hop Induc­tion: Afric­an Hip Hop Fest­iv­al’ from July to Septem­ber 2020. This was no small feat. Hav­ing secured nearly all the neces­sary fund­ing through spon­sor­ships and part­ner­ships, the Cov­id-19 glob­al crisis hit; ven­ues closed, inter­na­tion­al artists could not attend and we lost the major­ity of our fund­ing. Show­ing our fight, spir­it and the strength of our com­munity, we per­severed, moved the fest­iv­al online and produced:

·      A glob­al Hip Hop dance com­pet­i­tion with 100 dan­cers com­pet­ing from their homes in 12 counties

·      The first ever End of Weak MC Chal­lenge held for Nigeri­an lyr­i­cists. This com­pet­i­tion brought Niger­ia into a glob­al com­munity foun­ded in New York City that has been run­ning for 20 years, has chapters in 20+ coun­tries on 5 con­tin­ents, and has been co-signed by the likes of Lupe Fiasco, Immor­tal Tech­nique and KRS One.

·      A glob­al build­ing ses­sion with Hip Hop prac­ti­tion­ers and organ­isa­tions through­out Africa, in the dia­spora and around the world, net­work­ing, dis­cuss­ing and con­nect­ing to con­tin­ue push­ing Afric­an Hip Hop for­ward through the next dec­ade and beyond.

Des­pite the adversity we faced, not only from Cov­id-19 but also from the pres­sures that led to the nation­wide #End­SARS cam­paign, ‘Hip Hop Induc­tion 2020’ was a huge suc­cess. We plan to con­tin­ue this great work into 2021, begin­ning with our first event (live in Lagos and online glob­ally) in March 2021, and aim­ing to build towards ‘Hip Hop Induc­tion 2021’ this summer.

Thanks to our amaz­ing part­ners and with the sup­port of our glob­al com­munity, we raised enough money to fund Hip Hop Induc­tion 2020 and real­ised the power of crowd sourcing and of our glob­al com­munity. The love and sup­port we received was incred­ible; we see that people really value what we are doing, and we aim to con­tin­ue doing it, improv­ing the lives, careers  and oppor­tun­it­ies avail­able to all the incred­ible dan­cers, emcees/beatboxers, dee­jays, graf­fiti writers and liv­ers of Hip Hop cul­ture across Africa.

We know and appre­ci­ate that it is a dif­fi­cult time for many people across the world right now. With that said, we feel that Africa and the world, per­haps now more than ever, need the prin­ciples that Hip Hop stands for and Loud Base is foun­ded on; peace, love, unity and hav­ing  fun, people power, each one teach one and com­munit­ies help­ing them­selves and each oth­er to improve the lives of those who make up the com­munity. Please become part of our glob­al Afric­an Hip Hop com­munity and give wheth­er you can to sup­port the growth and devel­op­ment of Afric­an Hip Hop.

The GoFundMe page can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hip-hop-induction-lagos?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow‑1

Along­side money we will attempt to source from spon­sor­ship, the money you send will be spent on:

·      Ven­ue hire (with full online stream­ing capabilities)
·      PA Hire
·      Designing/building the stage/set, includ­ing mater­i­als and labour
·      Prize money for com­pet­i­tion winners
·      Mer­chand­ise to use as prizes for com­pet­it­ors con­tin­ue fund­ing our projects
·      To pay cam­era people, video­graph­ers, graph­ic design­ers, per­formers and co-ordinator

Any­thing left will be put dir­ectly into our cam­paign for our next event, as we con­tin­ue to work towards our main fest­iv­al event in sum­mer 2021.

If you are a com­pany or organ­isa­tion that shares our ideals and would like to donate funds, equip­ment, prizes (e.g. cloth­ing, records, hard­ware) or some­thing sim­il­ar, please feel free to con­tact as to dis­cuss part­ner­ship oppor­tun­it­ies. We love to find and con­nect with people and organ­isa­tions that share our vision.

Every­one in our Loud­Base team deeply appre­ci­ates your sup­port. So many of us do this work for free, out of pure love for Africa, Niger­ia, our com­munity and Hip Hop cul­ture. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you into our community.

Thanks, Love and Blessings!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Apex Zero

An emcee, beat­maker, film­maker and writer from Lon­don with Gren­adian roots, Apex Zero has spent his life learn­ing and liv­ing Hip Hop cul­ture, using it to inspire and affect change. Based in Beijing for a few years and reg­u­larly tour­ing the globe, Apex is well trav­elled, and uses the les­sons this provides to inform his art and out­look. He is a mem­ber of the Glob­al­Fac­tion digit­al pro­duc­tion house and the inter­na­tion­al Hip Hop col­lect­ive End of the Weak.

About Apex Zero

An emcee, beatmaker, filmmaker and writer from London with Grenadian roots, Apex Zero has spent his life learning and living Hip Hop culture, using it to inspire and affect change. Based in Beijing for a few years and regularly touring the globe, Apex is well travelled, and uses the lessons this provides to inform his art and outlook. He is a member of the GlobalFaction digital production house and the international Hip Hop collective End of the Weak.