The Real Talk L.P… Hip Hop Supports The...
  The Real Talk Com­pil­a­tion L.P Is avail­able right now from 100% of the money
Knowledge Session: Who Was George Jackson?
In 1960, at the age of eight­een, George Jack­son was accused of steal­ing $70 from a
Interview: @SirTallBlackGuy Bringin’ Us That...
From humble ori­gins in Detroit, raised on a healthy diet of Motown, Jazz and early Hip
Knowledge Session : Who Was Toussaint...
Known to his con­tem­por­ar­ies as “The Black Napo­leon,” Tous­saint L’Ouverture was a former slave who...
Knowledge Session: Forgetting Srebrenica Makes...
SREBRENICA MASSACRE FOUNDED A BLOODY LIGHTBULB When it comes to the war of Bos­nia the single
Inter­view with CJ Fly @FLYestintheeERA
I Am Hip-Hop magazine’s edit­or Rishma Dhali­wal had a catch up with Brook­lyn rap­per CJ Fly
Knowledge Session: Who Was Lena Horne?
Lena Horne (June 30, 1917 – May 9, 2010) was born in Brook­lyn, New York, on
Knux (@KnuxNKE) ‘Rise’ Music + Lyrics
After A 2 Year Hiatus From Music, Rap­per Knux Is Back With The First Track From
@TalibKweli on Obama’s Presidency And The...
Inter­view with Hip Hop artist Talib Kweli, dis­cuss­ing the role of gov­ern­ment, Obama’s pres­id­ency, the...
Album: @Lifemc — Sounds Of The Underground
Life MC just dropped and new album, ‘Sounds of the Under­ground’ a mix of unre­leased and new
Hip Hop And Life With Jasiri X! (@jasiri_x)
Q. Your lyr­ics are full of fac­tu­al­ity. Where do you get your know­ledge? Was there a
Guest: @ShaoDowMusic & @MumiaAbuJamal on...
I AM guest Kung Fu trained, inde­pend­ent rap­per ShaoDow joins us for an inter­view, live bars